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Nama : Annisa Fatati Rahmah

NIM : 2100003056
Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

B. Activites
Answer these questions based on the text above.
1. What is the writer’s complete name?
Answer: The writer's complete name is Muhammad Fikri Farrosi
2. How old is he?
Answer: He is 28 years old
3. Where does he come from?
Answer: He come from Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta
4. What are his hobbies?
Answer: His hobbies are reading online newspaper and biking.
5. What do his parents do?
Answer: His father is a
policeman and his mother is a housewife.

D. Tasks
1. Put in am, is, are, was, were, have, or has.

a. We are family.

b. Look! My brother is over there.

c. We were not in Surabaya last year.

d. My sister and I are lecturers in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

e. My brother is feeling well today.

f. I am at home now. Where are you?

g. I was born in Jakarta in 2000.

h. She has two brothers.

i. Some years ago, the English Department was at campus two.

j. Mr. Ali and Mrs. Alya have two cute cats.

2. Put in an appropriate Pronoun in the blank.

Hello, I am Salha. I would like to introduce you to some members of my family. This is my father. His
name is Mr. Anas. He is a police man. This is my mom. Her name is Mrs.Zulaikha. She is a doctor in
one of the hospitals in Yogyakarta. Here is my older sister. She is Vicky. She opens her own business
at home. This is my youngest brother, Doni. He is still a university student. He takes engineering. We
love each other, and respect our parents so much.

5. Complete the missing words from the following introduction.

My name is Anita. I am from Jakarta, but now I live in Yogyakarta. I am 19 years old, and I am in the
first semester at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. I have a brother and a sister. My older brother is 21
years old, and he is a university student. We were in the same Senior High School two years ago. My
younger sister is still in the third grade of Junior High School. She lives with our parents in Jakarta.
She was very spoiled, but now she is very independent.

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