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thank you to the MC for giving me the time to deliver a speech at today's event.

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb, Salam Sejahtera, shalom, om swastiastu, namo buddhaya, Salam

First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the staffs and participants who
have taken the time to have the opportunity to be here with all of us.
I also want to express my gratitude to the committees who have put all their efforts and
abilities into preparing this event.
Ladies and gentlemen.
The national speech competition is one of HMPS Sastra Inggris' programs and what makes
this year's speech competition than the previous years is that the announcement day is
combined with a webinar “Public Speaking for Life” where all of us can learn about public
speaking from our speaker who is a public speaking trainer, Mr. yogi yulio yudhi pratama.
I could see all the enthusiasm from the participants especially the speech competition
participants where all of them are very talented, even the judges were very confused when
judging because you are all outstanding and remarkable! We hope that this event will be able
to improve our quality in public speaking.
That's all from me, if there is a wrong word or something is less pleasing, I apologize
profusely. Finally, I hope this event will go smoothly until the end and please enjoy this
event! Thank you!
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

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