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Name : Aisyah Amanda

NPM/SMT : 2121035/1
Study Program : English Study Program
Subject : Introduction to Paragraph Writing
Lecturer : Dr. Ani Fiani, S.s, M.Pd

Bullying in Elementary School

I will never forget this incident, when I was 3rd grade of Elementary School. I was
bullied at that time and it was really scary. At that moment they kept bothering me, make fun
of me, and there are even students who beat and kick me. I always feel scared to come to
school because of that. I don’t know why they did that to me, but I think because I have dark
skin and short at that time. I also don’t dare to tell the teacher about this because I'm afraid
they will do something even worse to me. Every night I always cry and beg my mother to
stop my school. After my mother found out about it she came to school and reported it to the
teacher, I don’t know what happened after that but they stopped bullying me and I so grateful
for that. I forgive those who bullied me but the incident still haunts me.

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