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N now I'm going to talk about some leadership skills of Steve Jobs.

I think all of it starts with a vision.
The most important role of the leader is to set a clear achievable and persuasive vision, because whether
you're managing a group of small people or entire company, that group will tear itself apart as it runs in
the direction of individuals.What it needs is a uniting purpose, a uniting vision that is constantly in
everybody's mind so that they are all moving in the same direction to move that company or that group
For example, Steve Jobs’ vision for Apple was “Building tools that amplify a
human ability”. he used the word “tools”, not “computers” and that is why Apple came
up with iPod, iPhone, and iTunes, which revolutionized the way we listen to music.

If your vision isnt inspiring people on an emotional level, if you're just firing them up with the promise of
higher compensation, that vision will definitely fall flat on its head. In fact, Steve Jobs
didn't just have this vision in his head. He was ruthless about living by it. A lot
of people, when they r talking about company visions, or even their own personal life visions, it's
a flowery set of words that they don't actually make decisions by.
Jobs constantly was refocusing his people on this vision of doing something big that was going to
change the world, and,
honestly, that was their heyday when they came out with the iPod and the iPad, and even
the iMac before that. That focus on the vision is what made it so powerful.

And the next thing is

If there’s one thing that was certain about Steve Jobs, it was his passion for
Apple- Even during his long battle against cancer, Job’s love for his company
followed him all the way to the grave.

People always say you have to have a lot of passion for what you're doing and i think it's
totally true. The reason is because it's so hard that if you don't,any rational person
would give up.It's really really hard and you have to do it over a sustained period of
time.So if you don't love it or you're not having fun doing it, then you're going to give up
that's what happens to most people.

There were several times when Apple nearly went under completely.If Jobs didn’t feel truly
passionate about the business he’d created, would he have endured these downfalls,
or would he’ve given up and sold his shares?The answer is obvious. Setting up a business
for profit alone will never work out. As soon as the money waterfall begins to run dry, you’ll
have nothing to sustain your efforts. So,if you don't love it you're going to fail .Thats why
you gotta love it and you got to have passion.

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