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On March 11th, 2020 WHO i.

e World Health Organization has

declared that Covid-19 was a global pandemic. At that point, there
were more than 1 lakh positive cases across the world.

The impact of lockdown was different for different people. The life of
government employees was same. They still need to go to office and
work. People who are in IT sector, they have started working from
home. Students, who have internet facility, have attended their classes
online. But on the other hand, it was very difficult for daily wage
worker to survive in this situation. Lots of people died because of
hunger. Students who don't have internet at their places have suffered
a lot.

Corona virus has turned our lives upside down. At first I have
watched so many movies and played games. But with time,
everything got boring.
Personally, I have not imagined that my last year of schooling would
be like this. Initially I have enjoyed online classes but later, I have
started missing my friends and school's atmosphere. There were some
advantages too. We have got ample of time to spend with our parents
and grand parents.

Though the vaccine is out there, but still taking precautions is very
necessary. Always wear masks at public places and sanitize your
hands on regular intervals.

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