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VPN stands for "Virtual Private Network" and describes the opportunity to establish a protected network
connection when using public networks. VPNs encrypt your internet traffic and disguise your online
identity. This makes it more difficult for third parties to track your activities online and steal data. The
encryption takes place in real time.

How does a VPN work?

A VPN hides your IP address by letting the network redirect it through a specially configured remote
server run by a VPN host. This means that if you surf online with a VPN, the VPN server becomes the
source of your data. This means your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and other third parties cannot see
which websites you visit or what data you send and receive online. A VPN works like a filter that turns all
your data into "gibberish". Even if someone were to get their hands on your data, it would be useless.


In essence, a VLAN is a collection of devices or network nodes that communicate with one another as if
they made up a single LAN, when in reality they exist in one or several LAN segments. In a technical
sense, a segment is separated from the rest of the LAN by a bridge, router, or switch, and is typically used
for a particular department. This means that when a workstation broadcasts packets, they reach all other
workstations on the VLAN but none outside it.
However, VLANs have more functionality than even a LAN segment because they allow for increased
data security and logical partition. Remember, a VLAN acts as a single LAN although it only makes up a
segment. This means that the broadcast domain of a VLAN is the VLAN itself, rather than each network
segment. Additionally, the partitions do not have to be defined by the physical location of the network
devices. They can be grouped instead by department, project team, or any other logical organizational

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a type of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) that imitates the way humans
gain certain types of knowledge. Deep learning is an important element of data science, which includes
statistics and predictive modeling. It is extremely beneficial to data scientists who are tasked with
collecting, analyzing and interpreting large amounts of data; deep learning makes this process faster and
At its simplest, deep learning can be thought of as a way to automate predictive analytics. While
traditional machine learning algorithms are linear, deep learning algorithms are stacked in a hierarchy of
increasing complexity and abstraction.
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Deep Fake
Deepfake technology is a technique that manipulates videos using high-powered computers and deep
learning. The result is a very realistic-looking video of an event that never happened.
People started becoming aware of deepfake technology when a Reddit user named “Deepfakes” posted
that he developed a machine learning (ML) algorithm that could transpose celebrity faces seamlessly onto
porn videos. Of course, they supplied samples and the thread soon became very popular, spawning its
own subreddit. The site administrators had to shut it down but by this time the technology became well-
known and available. Soon people were using it to create fake videos, mostly starring politicians and

However, the idea of manipulating videos is not new. Back in the 1990s, some universities were already
conducting significant academic research in computer vision. Much of the effort during this time centered
on using artificial intelligence (AI) and ML to modify existing video footage of a person speaking and
combining it with a different audio track. The Video Rewrite program of 1997 showcased this

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Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change,
hack, or cheat the system.

A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the
entire network of computer systems on the blockchain. Each block in the chain contains a number of
transactions, and every time a new transaction occurs on the blockchain, a record of that transaction is
added to every participant’s ledger. The decentralised database managed by multiple participants is
known as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).

Blockchain is a type of DLT in which transactions are recorded with an immutable cryptographic
signature called a hash.
This means if one block in one chain was changed, it would be immediately apparent it had been
tampered with. If hackers wanted to corrupt a blockchain system, they would have to change every block
in the chain, across all of the distributed versions of the chain.

Blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are constantly and continually growing as blocks are being
added to the chain, which significantly adds to the security of the ledger.

Link :


The bullwhip effect (also known as the Forrester effect) is defined as the demand distortion that travels
upstream in the supply chain from the retailer through to the wholesaler and manufacturer due to the
variance of orders which may be larger than that of sales.

What causes the bullwhip effect in supply chain?

Demand forecast updating: Members of the supply chain updating their demand forecasting
Order batching: Members of the supply chain rounding up or down the quantity of orders
Price fluctuations: Usually driven by discounting resulting in larger quantities of purchases
Rationing and gaming: Buyers and sellers delivering over or under their order quantities
An example of the bullwhip effect
Let’s consider a retailer sells on average 10 ice creams per day in the summer season. Following a
heatwave the retailer's sales increase to 30 units per day, in order to meet this new demand, the retailer
increases their demand forecast and places an increased order on the wholesaler to 40 units per day in
order to meet the new customer demand levels and to buffer any potential further increase in demand, this
creates the first wave in the exaggerated demand being driven down the supply chain.

The wholesaler noticing this increase in demand from the retailer may then also build an incremental
increase into their forecast so generating a larger order on the ice cream manufacturer, rather than
ordering 40 units to be manufactured, the wholesaler may order 60 units from the manufacturer, this will
further exaggerate the demand down the supply chain and so creates a second wave of demand increase.

The manufacturer also feeling the increase in demand from the wholesalers may also react to the increase
by increasing their manufacturing run to 80 units, this creates a third wave in the exaggeration of demand.
The retailer may run out of stock during the heatwave whilst the manufacturer is producing new stock and
may take the option of switching to an alternative brand to meet customer demand, this will then create a
false demand situation as sales appear to slump to next to nothing so the retailer may then not place
further demand for the original ice cream brand even though the manufacturer has increased their
production runs. Alternatively, if the weather changes and the end consumers slow down on purchasing
ice creams, this could result in an overstock situation across the supply chain as each tier of the supply
chain has reacted to the heatwave sales and increased their demand. This is an example of the waves and
troughs in the bullwhip effect.

How can the supply chain reduce the bullwhip effect?

The bullwhip effect in the supply chain can be reduced through shared knowledge with suppliers and
customers. If members of the supply chain can determine what information is causing the overreactions
this can be resolved. Communications and response times can be improved using modern technology.

The bullwhip effect can also be mitigated through these areas:

Reduced lead times

Revision of reordering procedures/better forecasting methods
Limitations of price fluctuations
Integration of planning and performance measurement

Broadband provides the fastest connections today, making it the most common type of
residential internet service. Broadband (short for “broad bandwidth”) is a type of high-speed
internet connection that is always “on.” There are several types of connections including DSL,
fiber, wireless, and 4G/5G LTE.

Broadband was introduced in the late 1990’s, replacing some older types of internet connections
such as dial-up, which used the audible frequency of telephone lines. Because broadband uses a
separate frequency than your voice line, it’s always connected, making it easier than ever to stay

Broadband internet provides fast connections, allowing users to quickly upload, stream and
download large files. Let’s take a closer look at how this technology works. 
How does broadband internet work?
Unlike a dial-up connection, broadband connection uses a dedicated line exclusively for data
transmission. DSL internet uses copper phone wires, cable internet uses the same coaxial cable
as your television, fiber internet uses specialized fiber-optic cables, and there are wireless
options like satellite and 4G/5G LTE.

Each of these types of connections use different frequencies, which provide a range of speeds. A
service provider (ISP) uses a network of equipment such as cables, computers, routers, and other
devices to connect your home to the internet.

Types of broadband internet

There are four primary types of broadband connections available today. CenturyLink provides
DSL, fiber and 4G, varied by location.

DSL internet
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) was one of the earliest forms of broadband to be introduced and is
still a common service today. DSL uses a single pair of copper wires in a telephone line for high-
speed data connection. The DSL signal uses different frequencies from the voice lines, making it
possible to use your internet and phone at the same time. Using a modem to bring the connection
from your telephone line to your computer allows for DSL to get more “bandwidth,” which
increases speeds. DSL speeds can be as high as 100 Mbps.

Pair bonding
Pair bonding is an option for some DSL connections that generally provides double the
bandwidth as compared to single line DSL service. With typical DSL service, there is only one
pair of copper wires being used to deliver internet service. With pair bonding, two copper wire
pairs (four individual wires) are used, thereby doubling your internet speed.  When using pair
bonding, speeds can reach up to 140 Mpbs. Pair bonding services are subject to availability
within CenturyLink’s internet coverage.

Fiber internet
Fiber internet uses a special type of fiber-optic cable, which allows data to be sent as pulses of
light over thousands of tiny, transparent fiber strands. Because light is the fastest way to transmit
data, fiber-optic internet is incredibly fast, and results in a high-quality and reliable connection. It
can provide connections of up to 1 Gbps, and this is expected to get even higher over time. Fiber
is an expanding technology that will soon become more widely avalible.
Cable internet
Cable internet is about as common as DSL. It uses the same coaxial cables that transmits TV
service to carry a high-speed internet connection. Using a modem, you can connect to these cable
lines and enjoy a high-speed, uninterrupted data connection. Cable internet speeds can be up to
940 Mbps for downloading and up to 50 Mbps for uploading.

Wireless internet
Wireless internet is available via satellite. It’s most common in rural areas lacking the
infrastructure of wired internet (DSL, cable or fiber) and is typically provided by wireless phone

Satellite internet transmits data directly from a satellite orbiting the Earth. It’s not as fast or
consistent as other types of broadband internet, but it can be used anywhere in the
world. Satellite speeds for downloading are usually between 25 Mbps to 100 Mbps,  with an
average of 25 Mbps for uploading. 

What's the difference between broadband and

Broadband is a type of high-speed internet connection, while WiFi refers to an in-home wireless
connection. Once you have broadband service, it's converted to a wireless signal in your home
from a modem to a wireless router, allowing you to connect multiple devices wirelessly to the

A kiosk is a small, stand-alone booth typically placed in high-traffic areas for business purposes. It
typically provides information and applications on education, commerce, entertainment, and a variety of
other topics. Kiosks are popular due to the number of advantages they provide.
An interactive kiosk is any computer-like device deployed in a public venue to give people self- service
access to products and services. ... Like the PC at your home or office, a kiosk may provide internet
access for web surfing and email, viewing of multimedia files, and access to various software
Is ATM machine a kiosk?
After all, the ATM was the only self-service kiosk known in the financial services industry for more than
30 years, until the rise of online banking and mobile banking. ... Functionality – Personal
Teller Machines offer up to 15 transaction options.
Sarbanes Oxley Act
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (or SOX Act) is a U.S. federal law that aims to protect
investors by making corporate disclosures more reliable and accurate. The Act was
spurred by major accounting scandals, such as Enron and WorldCom (today called
MCI Inc.), that tricked investors and inflated stock prices. Spearheaded by Senator
Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael Oxley, the Act was signed into law by
President George W. Bush on July 30, 2002.

Read Key Provisions :

Moore’s Law
Originated in 1975 _ Applicable till 2022
the principle of exponential growth, both observed and projected, in density of
semiconductors and digital processors, describing the doubling of the number of
components in an integrated circuit approximately every two years.

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Disparate Systems
In Information Technology, a disparate system or a disparate data system is a computer data processing system that
was designed to operate as a fundamentally distinct data processing system without exchanging data or interacting
with other computer data processing systems. Legacy systems are examples of disparate data systems.

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