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Rasul Rasulov 11B3

More than half of the sedentary Muslims were farmers; the rest were managers and military staff.
Settled in their small villages, these Muslims consisted mainly of Turkic tribes. The rest of the Muslims
were semi-sedentary or nomads. The large number of nomads in the khanate was important not only
because of the animal products and handworks they produced, but also because of the cavalry units
they provided. The political structure of these tribes was organized into a system that consisted of the
Turks. The taxes "mal" and "jakhat", which were the main source of income, were paid by both urban
and rural residents.

Religion was a powerful force in Erivan. The Armenians, being a minority of 20% of the population, had
the same size of clergy as the Muslim majority, and even more religious buildings throughout the region.
There were six churches in the city, one in a fortress, five in Armenian quarters, and numerous churches
and monasteries were located throughout the khanate.

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