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Black Wealth

We must learn how wealth is created and get

good at gaining as much wealth as we can.
There are 2 basic methods to achieve wealth:
First, wealth can be created/acquired through
redistribution. It's very difficult to earn/acquire
wealth by working a job. A job is designed to
maintain a worker from pay day to pay day
and keep workers 1 week away from the wel-
fare or unemployment lines. But what is

Wealth is the quantity of resources or $$$ that

remains after all liabilities are paid. Second, Black Business Keys
wealth can be acquired through inheritance,
reparations or profit from someone's labor.
Economic Action
The less a worker is paid for labor, the more Steps
wealth the owner of the business or land
gains. Of the available options, increased
BUSINESS OWNERSHIP and reparations are
the best means for Blacks to gain wealth. Busi-
nesses can redistribute wealth 6 to 8 times
faster than employment.

We love talking about Black Business here.

Read more inside this brochure!
Serving All Coastal Regions
Gainesville, VA 20155
Hope For Trust USA
Phone: 800-837-7857
Cel: 804-263-8875
Tel: 800-837-7857
Black Business

It's physically impossible for Blacks to compete in every kind of business in ever community. We
will have our greatest impact if we exercise Black co-operative (mutual assistance in working to-
ward a common goal) involvement primarily within those businesses in which we have some com-
petitive advantages. Co-operative integrates businesses translate into industries. We should seek
out key industries and strive to create a monopoly. A monopoly, through Black co-operative inte-
gration, locks out competition. Co-operative businesses can control markets, resources, research
and other complementary activities. The competitive advantage remains whether the businesses
are local or national. Black businesses must also be co-operative organized in production and paral-
lel (running in the same direction) in marketing.

Once a Black business or industry has succeeded in building a co-operative industry in one Black
community, it should then spread parallel across the country into other Black communities, until it
has control of all its home markets. This co-operative movement, followed by parallel penetration,
allows Blacks to establish closed-loop production and marketing networks for the private use of
Black businesses.

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