HFTPublication 1 B

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First of all, Racism is not what we been focusing on. Racism is not a social issue it is an economic issue.

Racism did not exist until the commercialized enslavement of black folk in the 14th century.

Racism should be framed in the context of the definition of the root word Race meaning to be in competi-
tion with, to be in a contest. Racism is a competitive situation between groups of people; it’s where one
group has acquired so much power, wealth and resources they can Exploit, Jim Crow Segregate, Enslave
another group of people.

Black folks have never been able to practice racism because we don’t own a sufficient amount of any-
thing to be a racist. Consequently, if whites have all the resources and Blacks have been denied the
resources, Blacks are not in the competitive posture to compete with whites. Whites cannot be the vic-
tims of Racism so they don’t understand racism.

Make note: This country has a conscientious program effort to make sure anything per-
taining to Black folk is watered down, diluted, and equated out by including everyone
else. There’s a cardinal rule in Social Dynamics that says “everything that pertains to everybody, per-
tains to nobody.” This country want to make sure the dominant society feels no guilt and no responsibil-
ity for the conditions of Blacks by equating it to all other groups.

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