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Trends summary

In this report we examine technology trends from a precise angle: reducing React Native continues to grow, and Flutter has surpassed Xamarin.
unnecessary complexity. Previously, we lacked adequate tools to fight this
necessary evil. Now, we have FaaS, CaaS, low-code, public cloud managed Tensorflow is still the most popular ML framework, AspNetCore has
services, as well as more specialized and improved programming languages. the fastest-growing community on GitHub, and Visual Studio Code
Industry efforts to tackle unnecessary complexity are an essential step for has the most open source contributors.
robust, secured, scalable and evolved architectures.
AWS reports 37% growth in 2019 compared with Azure at 59%,
and while the gap between the two decreases constantly , we don’t
expect AWS to lose its lead any time soon.
WebAssembly is the next big thing to significantly impact web
development, while Vue’s 3.0 release in 2020 will greatly affect
established front-end frameworks. (React and Angular will have
routine releases).
While new and innovative languages like Ballerina or Dark are on the horizon,
these languages are not yet trending. Developers favor new technologies
Automation gets a boost with RPA, API, low-code/no-code, ML, and that address unnecessary complexity and consistently ease their workload,
intelligent business process management. allowing them to write safer code.

HTTP/3 RFC is important as well, but as HTTP stays the same many
programmers might skip it.

Rust is the de facto challenger and a unique viable alternative to C++

(the C++20 language will see an important renewal at the end of
2020). Go is struggling with its future version, Swift is moving to the
backend, TypeScript is at an all-time high, and Dart has increased in
popularity since Flutter emerged. Java continues to lose popularity
and interest but still ranks at the top of Google Trends, while the
future of PHP’s major version 8 is unclear.

Technology Trends 05
Major Releases

Here are the events
that captured our attention in 2019.
We’ve removed from the 2020 roadmap techs
that increment mostly minor versions continually
Q1 Q2 ike Rust, React Native, Ansible, Wordpress,…
Java 12 MariaDB 10.4 .NET Framework 4.8 Ruby on Rails 6
Vue.js 2.6 Wordpress 5.1 Django 2.2 Xamarin 4.0
Angular 8 Go 1.2 Visual Studio 2019 Eclipse 2019-06
Q1 Q2
TypeScript 3.4 Q# 0.7 Android 10 Q Qt Creator 4.9.0
Swift 5.1 ASVS 4.0 Symfony 4.3 Neatbeans 11 Java 14 Microsoft Edge 1.0 ECMAScript 11 Node.js 14
Ainsible 2.8 Svelte 3 Vue.js 3.0 Swift 5.2 HTTP/3 RFC Xamarin 4.5
80% of browsers
are compatible with WebAssembly Node.js 12.x ECMAScript 10 Angular 10 Android 11

Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4
React Native 0.61 Elixir 1.9 Django 3.0 WebAssembly 1.0 Angular 11 Java 15 .NET 5 C++ 20
Angular 9 Rust 1.38 MongoDB 4.2 Tensorflow 2.0 F# 5 Ruby 3
React 16.9 MongoDB 4 React 17 Dart 2.6 React 18 PostgreSQL 12
.NET Core 3.0 CLion PostgreSQL 12 Coq 8.10 PostgreSQL 11
Kotlin 1.3.4 Agda 2.6 Vue.js RFC 3.0 Rust 1.39, 1.40

Python 3.8 WebStorm Ruby 2.7 TypeScript 3.7
GoLang 1.13 Blazor PHP 7.4 Node.js 13
C# 8 F# 4.7 Android Studio 3.2.1 Kafka 2.4.0
Java 13 dlang 2.088 Symfony 5.0

Technology Trends 09
Programming Languages

Different languages,
Different leagues
Java, C, C#, PHP, Python, and JavaScript are in the first league.

In November, TIOBE released its programming

community index with the following headline: source: google trends

C getting close to Java,

Swift enters top 10 Kotlin, Swift, TypeScript, Go, Visual Basic, CSS, R, D, and Ruby
are in the second league.
and Rust scores all-time high

It’s an excellent summary of what’s happening in the

programming languages landscape, and we mostly
agree with the index – but not with everything.

source: google trends

Erlang, Dart, Objective-C, and most, if not all, of the remaining languages
are in the third league.

Technology Trends 13
Programming Languages

The case of Java

Java is still the leading programming language because historically, it’s the
most popular compared to every other language.

But, Google Trends show that since 2004, interest in Java has been waning.

source: google trends

source: TIOBE

Following these trends for several years now, we believe there is a good
chance that Java will lose its top spot in the TIOBE index. Many statistics
show a downward trend.
Java is number five on Stack Overflow’s 2019 Developer Survey (it was
number three in 2017)

source: TIOBE

Technology Trends 15
Programming Languages

Java is second on RedMonk’s “most popular” chart But the pace of modernization, the arrival of more specialized and higher
in the 3rd quarter of 2019. performing languages like GO, and the development of ML/DL around C/C++
and Python prevented an increase in adoption. Will the two-year releases
bring enough innovation to regain traction? We don’t know.

Meanwhile,demand for Java programmers

is still very high due to:
legacy projects
new evolutive architectures (microservices)
implementation of successful open source projects (Hadoop,
Spark, Kafka, Storm, and more)

source: RedMonk

We conclude that due to mobile disruption, Java has lost its `run everywhere’
place in the world. Since the most popular big data technologies (Hadoop,
Spark, Kafka, and others) are Java-based, we believed that the big data
revolution would revive Java.

Technology Trends 17
Clarity over
Favouring Clarity over Efficiency

Technical debt in our projects is quickly at its highest. Without the proper tools, workflows and connectors, serverless and low-code technologies.
capabilities (skills, tools, technology, methodology, governance, and mindset) Developers who use these tools favor clarity. Until recently, it was difficult
to continually increment software, entropy will hit us hard. Joe Armstrong, an for them to admit there are many ways to increment systems (some of them
inventor of Erlang, once said: between Efficiency and Clarity (in programming) require less code).
we’ve chosen systematically Efficiency. To make something clearer, we add a
layer of abstraction. To make something more efficient we need to remove a In the age of digital platforms and cloud computing, it was difficult to balance
layer of abstraction. We should choose more clarity! the Lego approach and the Organ approach, so now a new generation of
solutions have appeared on the horizon.

From the major public cloud providers, we find that Microsoft offers the most
consistent solutions (PowerApps, Flow, Data Factory, Logic Apps, etc.). AWS,
Low-code/no-code a leader in public cloud services, doesn’t yet offer low-code capabilities.
Serverless workflows Integration companies like MuleSoft, Dell Boomi, and SnapLogic don’t provide
enough tooling for software engineers to merge low-code with traditional
Building systems with code is like creating living organs. Complexity increases programming approaches, and data platforms like (KNIME, TIBCO, RapidMiner
in a matter of months, and as a consequence, the system becomes unstable. or Dataiku) target completely different audiences than software developers.
Once the organ is viable, developers perform many surgeries on it. But not
everything needs to be as complex as creating an organ.

When we:
connect with OpenId, Static typing, type inference
move data from the CRM to the DataLake, Or new language supersets
shift from one storage to another (DataWarehouse -> Speed Layer),
create analytics pipelines and self-service BI, One of the most critical cause favoring accidental complexity is the lack of
build APIs, strong typing. If there is one impediment of seeing dynamic languages as
implement CRUD operations (with simple validations), the champion of all languages that is type safety. Despite a high degree of
use RPA (not covered in this version of trends), flexibility, developers tend to lose a lot of time debugging simple errors.
... Compilers need to become more efficient. That’s why there is a lot of buzz
about Dependency Type Systems in functional programming (tackled
Grown-up integration and RAD solutions already exist. These activities tend by Haskel and implemented in Agda). That’s why we have the incredible
to be much more like Lego building and are enabled by cloud data integration adoption of TypeScript. And this is also why great Ruby advocates like Ryan

Technology Trends 21
Favouring Clarity over Efficiency

Dart language vs. TypeScript

Levick speak about Value Rigidity and the necessity to carefully choose a Some of the rumors came from TIOBE; they ranked TypeScript #43 and Dart
language before using it (Ruby being criticized by the lack of type inference). #24. But don’t pay attention to the TIOBE index – it is shamefully misleading
in this case. Dart didn’t enter in the Enterprise world like TypeScript. And
Therefore, it’s unlikely that a new language will emerge today without while it may gain more popularity since Flutter has excellent potential, it
an explicit typing mechanism that the compiler can check to better assist must still overcome many challenges.
developers (win their time). The following Google Trends chart explains it all:

TypeScript language
When talking about safer, faster, and most stable code development,
TypeScript stands out.
source: google trends
Despite skepticism about it being a `syntatic sugar` no one should care
about, there isn’t a well-established front-end framework (Vue, React,
Angular) without support for TypeScript and associated tooling. In France, Dart is nearly nonexistent in the business world. However, it’s worth
mentioning that Dart is the fastest-growing language on GitHub (532%),
TypeScript Ranking: followed by Rust (235%), HCL (213%), Kotlin (182%) and TypeScript (161%).
#7 on Octoverse GitHub, ahead of Ruby, C,
and many other languagesthe
7th most-used and 3rd most-loved language on StackOverflow
62% of companies in the npm Survey confirmed using TypeScript WebAssembly

Some people launched rumors about either Dart or WebAssembly replacing If there’s one thing that you should take away from reading this report, it’s that
TypeScript. It’s all #fakenews! WebAssembly will revolutionize the Web and more. And, regarding JavaScript
and TypeScript, WebAssembly also has the potential to bring other great
languages like Python and Ruby to the Web Or maybe it’s just a matter of
time until TypeScript compiles into WebAssembly and bypasses JavaScript?

Technology Trends 23
Favouring Clarity over Efficiency

complexity just to set the app to her working environment (setting up rails,
Ballerina language Heroku, gems for auth, dependencies and versions, change across 12 files,
connection to Twillio) without even delivering a feature or implementing
A new language called Ballerina is working to improve the distributed some error logic. That’s how she ended up founding Dark: a language for
integration gap in an increasingly disaggregated world. Historically, integration building backends – “deployless” backends.
architectures like ESB, BPM, EAI (and associated products) tackled these
agile-impossible challenges with general-purpose programming languages Here are some highlights:
like Java, JavaScript, or C#. used to build workflows from endpoints to datastores
online IDEs
Ballerina is an open-source programming language and platform for connectors (setup)
writing software for the cloud era that just works. It has network in the real-time debugging and data tracking
language (HTTP/2, WebSockets, WebSub, AMQP, JSON, gRPC, OpenAPI);
it automatically generates the associated sequence diagram as meta Of course, Dark is still experimental. The authors seem to be so confident
information and is developer-centric. Ballerina’s promise is to bring the that they have doubts about outsourcing it (this is new in the 21st century).
facilities of distributed computing as part of the application logic. Dark is not yet production-ready, but the emergence of such tools shows a
brighter programming future.
While it has tighter purpose than Go (generic purpose language for concurrency
challenges), it seems easier to learn and was built with security, scalability,
and observability in mind. It generates deployment artifacts for Docker and
Kubernetes. It is already compatible with Kubless and OpenWhisk.
Go is a generic design; it doesn’t solve networking problems, just concurrency GOLang
challenges). Type’s system is slightly more beautiful than Go’s and easier to
learn than Ballerina. As Rob Pike explains, he created Go out of frustration. In 2007 at Google, he
could only use two languages: Java and C++. At a conference in Sydney about
the draft specifications of Go’s 2nd version, he clearly states they were looking
for a language that would be easy to maintain, debug, and scale. Go emerged
Dark language from frustration. Once Again, against Efficiency, Clarity won!

Ellen Chisa, co-founder and CEO of Dark, makes her point about end-to-end Many have spoken about the problem of software entropy, but few as simple
programming with a simple expectation: building an app that sends automatic and straightforward as Joe Armstrong, the creator of Erlang. Safety wasn’t a
alerts. She found herself in a situation where she had to add tremendous priority until now.

Technology Trends 25
Favouring Clarity over Efficiency

Ryan Levick, Principal Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft, wrote in a post
that memory safety causes 70% of all product vulnerabilities:

While many experienced programmers can write correct systems-level code,

it’s clear that no matter the amount of mitigations put in place,
it is near impossible to write memory-safe code using traditional
systems-level programming languages at scale.

A few days later, he wrote another post,

“Why Rust for safe systems programming”:

We believe Rust changes the game when it comes to writing safe

systems software. Rust provides the performance and control needed to write
low-level systems, while empowering software developers to write
robust, secure programs.

Technology Trends 27
Faster and more
Secured Web
Faster and more Secured Web Applications

Browser support is at an impressively high 88.39% coverage, and in 2020 we

WebAssembly expect the first scientifically-enhanced user apps powered by WebAssembly.
However, 2021 might be the year where most of the web apps will benefit
In a nutshell, WebAssembly is the technology with the most important directly or indirectly from WebAssembly.
implications for the way the web works:
It provides a way to run code written in multiple languages on the web
at near-native speed, with client apps running on the web that previously
couldn’t have done so. React.js reigns
Even if frontend developers systematically seem more passionate about
According with , Chrome, Edge, React (remember, they continue to use React and
Firefox, Safari, Opera, iOS Safari, and Opera mobile had WebAssembly support Angular equally.
since 2017. Surprisingly, it took the remaining mobile browsers a relatively
long time to include their support: Samsung Internet (mid-2018), Android Let’s look at the StackOverflow survey:
Browser (mid-2019), Chrome, and Firefox for Android (autumn 2019).
2019 2018 2017
React 31.3% 36.9% 19.5%
Angular 30.7% 27.8% 44.3%
Vue 15.2% - -

These figures are confirmed by Google Trends


React 85 61 87 80 29 57
Angular 53 35 83 75 33 8
Vue 15 18 29 38 33 70

source: caniuse

Technology Trends 31
Faster and more Secured Web Applications

Nevertheless, Angular is more consistent, receives regular contributions on

GitHub, and ranks higher in Google Trends. Backend frameworks
Spring, Django, Flask, Laravel, Symfony, and AspNetCore are the frameworks
we should continue to look at.
AspNetCore has the most significant change in contributions (346%) on
GitHub. Symfony and Laravel fight for PHP supremacy. Laravel is more
prevalent in the U.S., while Symfony is more popular Europe (and by far the
most popular in France).

While they don’t serve the same purpose, developers continue to adopt
Flask, and Django stays the constant leader of web Python development.
According to, developers continue to adopt Ruby slowly.

used by high traffic sites

source: google trends



We know that the adoption of Progressive Web Apps will continue to grow in PHP
2020, but 2021 may be the year when we’ll say that PWA is the norm. Ruby
The stats in this chapter show that PWAs are still only used by a small Static files

percentage of sites. However, this relatively small usage is driven by the more
popular sites which have a much larger share of traffic, and pages beyond the

used by low traffic sites

home page may use this more: we showed that 15% of page loads use service
workers. The advantages they give for performance and greater control over
caching, particularly for mobile should mean that usage will continue to grow. used by fewer sites used by many sites
source: w3techs

Technology Trends 33
Faster and more Secured Web Applications

Web Security ASVS 4.

According with, most of the web has already 2019 started with great news from the OWASP community: Application
switched to HTTPS (mobile: 79%, desktop: 80.51%) over HTTP (mobile: Security Verification Standard version 4 was released. Our experience
21%, desktop:19.49%) confirms most of the developers have missed the news. Therefore, it should
be considered as a consistent improvement axis for 2020 as well.

source: almanac.httparchive

Use of legacy TLS versions like TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 is minimal,

and almost all support is for the newer TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 versions
of the protocol. Even though TLSv1.3 is still very young as a standard
(TLSv1.3 was only formally approved in August 2018),
over 40% of requests using TLS are using the latest version!

Security headers are still lacking even though it’s easy to configure them.
RSA keys are preferred over ECDA, and Google Internet Authority G3 is the
leader (19.26%) among certificate authorities.

Technology Trends 35

Machine learning DataBases

Most enterprise leaders see Google and TensorFlow as the leaders in machine From StackOverflow’s annual survey, we know that MySQL is still the
learning. However, PyTorch is trending. It reached parity in features and won preferred option for DataBase.
over the academic world (a strong leverage in ML adoption). PostgreSQL and SQL Server are the second most popular, followed closely
by SQLite.
TensorFlow had 1541 new job listings
1437 job listings for PyTorch on public job boards
2019 2018 2017
MySQL 54.0% 58.7% 49.6%

3230 new TensorFlow Medium articles SQL Server 32.8% 41.2% 54.2%
VS. Cassandra 3.5% 3.7% 49.9%
1200 PyTorch SQLite 31.6% 19.7% 47.2%
Oracle 16.5% 11.1% 36.9%

13.7k new GitHub stars for TensorFlow MongoDB 25.% 25.9% 55.0%
VS. Redis 18.6% 18% 64.8%
7.2k for PyTorch PostgreSQL 32.4% 32.9% 60.8%
ElasticSearch 14.3% 14.1% -
MariaDB 16.5% 13.4% -
Apache Hive - 2.2% -
Apache HBase - 1.7% -
Google BigQuery - 2.1% -
Neo4j - 2.4% -
AWS DynamoDB 6.2% 5.2% -
AWS Aurora - 5.1% -
Azure - 7.9% -
Firebase 12.8% - -

The values of the table represent the most used databases over time (2017, 2018, 2019)
source: google trends on stackoverflow survey

Technology Trends 39

In terms of transparency, AWS brings the only figures we can trust.

Cloud wars Azure includes office offering in its cloud business and the figures
about GCP are speculative.
Cloud designates a broad range of technologies. However, the main cloud
platforms such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform have not only
disrupted the infrastructure technologies and practices, but they are also
in the process of changing the game on digital technologies, including Growth 37% 59% 50%*
programming practices. Number of services 165 262 ~50
Regions 22/101 54/140 20/61
Nowadays, they are by far
the most convenient platforms to leverage:
Costs efficiency
Time to market efficiency

Competitive Advantages
AWS Innovation
Community and knowledge base
Commercial partnership

Azure Most polyvalent

Integration with Microsoft suites
Better enterprise integration (see above)

Google Cloud Platform Least expensive solution

Kubernetes support
TensorFlow support & ML

Technology Trends 41

What should be added in the following edition?

As I was mentioning above, a bit of a Tech solution Startups landscape could
be a good thing. Something that as a Tech Leader, you don’t have time to keep
an eye on all the startups emerging. That could help a lot ! You have several
startups covering common problems (security, multiple cloud challenges, ...)
who really deserves to be more known.

It seems innovation is coming mostly from the public cloud.

Do you confirm?
I would say that it’s true but really depending on marketing. Public Cloud
companies know how to communicate massively on their last innovations.
But you have also a long tail of startups, taking care of hundreds of problem
to solve, and much less visible yet. In a few years, I hope either public cloud
Francis leads the technical and product evolution of BlaBlaCar and has been instrumental in building
companies will be acquiring them, either they will have their space and
the platform since 2006, allowing it to grow from hosting a few thousand members to millions today. He
revenus to make them sustainable.
knows how to turn ambitious ideas into reality, and believes in building robust solutions which can adapt

to fast growth and stay relevant for the long-term. Francis cares about building agile cross-functional

teams across locations to deliver efficiently on ambitious objectives. Pragmatic and result-oriented, he

is driven by the opportunity to create disruptive solutions which better the user experience.
What triggers the changes in best practices and code architecture?
There obviously several factors. I would say that in general, those changes are
mainly pushed by the big tech companies, and the open source community.
The two key things are on one hand the performances of the solutions and on
How will this content help audience? the other hand the collaboration efficiency. If you reach a threshold on one of
The different roles representing the Tech.Rocks community have something this topic, you need to rethink the way you build things. As a tech company, this
in common : they have to anticipate. This is a key point to be a good leader. is mainly linked to the product cycles, as you need to learn fast, experiment fast
So, we observe different trends, and we learn. After comes the vision of what and grow, it has an important impact on the architecture. You need to remain
should be done. So knowing what will happen in terms of Tech Trends for the stable, to target a small chunk of your users to propose them a new feature, or
coming year is indeed part of the job ! you’re facing international and performances challenges, fascinating !

Technology Trends 45

We didn’t create this report to predict the future but to spark conversation
and the right reasoning for better R&D decisionmakers. Based on the long
history of IT innovation and currently available signs, below we’ve estimated
relevant technology trends from our own perspective. This is the reason why
one of the most important questions about the content of this document is
the trends methodology.

Let’s take HTTP/3 as our example. We know:

its predecessor’s specifications were launched in May 2015;

in November 2019, 41.5% of the top 10 million websites

supported HTTP/2;

Firefox and Chrome stats show that 80% of web pages

are loaded on HTTP/2;

HTTP/3 RFC will be announced in July 2019, but according to

Daniel Stenberg, founder of curl and member of the IETF QUIC
group, early 2020 is a more reasonable due date;

there are many HTTP3 challenges (algorithms fallbacks, CPU

efficiency, new APIs required for TLS libraries, no standard QUIC
API, the lack of tooling).

Therefore, we estimate that HTTP/3 will be adopted within five years.

Of course, we won’t discuss the details of every assumption from the trends
described below, but it is important to know there is no complicated math
involved, but more like a set of relative estimations based on collective

Technology Trends 47
What drives Technology Innovation

This is the key question that allows us to have more control over our trend
estimates. We’re not going to discuss growth, education, agile/lean learning
organizations, tech start-ups, or any other topic.

Who are the innovators?

The case of smart glasses

We’ll limit the conversation to the pragmatic real-world of bottom-up of the

chain of innovators: programmers and engineers.

For example, Google Glass was a product and a technology at the same
time. While it failed as a product, it didn’t fail as a technology. Most smart
glasses vendors stick with the B2C marketing while they play just in B2B
market. It’s like working on at least two products at the same time. A lack
of momentum and other less important factors are also to blame for a failing
product. What matters is that the technology was a success, and with new
ML and AR development cleared a path for a new generation of smart glasses
for today’s enterprise world. We weren’t surprised to see Google announce
Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 in May 2019.

What kind of innovation

are we talking about?

New programming languages, frameworks, and cloud – this type of

innovation. Narrowing the innovators in such a way makes it also much more
appropriate for Tech.Rocks Summit 2019.

Technology Trends 49
Partnering with companies
to create products and scale their business

As a trusted digital services partner of digital nomads, emerging digital

innovators, and large traditional industry players, we support businesses
worldwide to achieve end-to-end digital transformation through agility at
every stage of their solution lifecycle.
We boost our clients’ capacity to grow and scale their business across a broad
spectrum of high-demand needs, including Software Engineering, Product
Development, Talent Recruitment, Digital Marketing, Agility Consulting, and
Innovation Financing. Pentalog is a global digital skills and services platform dedicated to helping
companies access high-quality, cost-effective digital talent.
Our essential mission is to assist our clients in creating products and growing
their business, responding to unmet user needs, and evolving over time to We enable our clients to generate and sustain growth with flexible engagement
engage and retain users. That’s why we embrace Lean thinking, Agile/Scrum models to staff hard-to-fill software engineering, product development, and
methodologies, and DevOps best practices so that we can quickly create, business innovation projects.
deploy, test and iterate.

25 years of experience
Digital skills to power growth in IT outsourcing & software engineering

With a global team of 1,100 in-house tech and digital specialists and a private 7 delivery centers & 7 consulting offices
community of 400,000 IT professionals, we offer flexible engagement models in Europe, Asia, and America
to support our clients’ short and long-term objectives, including outsourcing,
recruitment, and freelancing. 300+ digital products yearly
delivered by our Agile teams
By combining freelancing, outsourcing, and IT recruitment, we can remain
highly reactive to their demands, empowering them to locate top-notch 27 startup investments
IT talent worldwide, drive sustainable business growth, and boost their through our tech acceleration program
innovation capacity.
about the author

About the author

Cornel joined Pentalog in 2005 as an architecture developer before moving

into the Head of CTOs position, then Chief Platform Officer.

With extensive knowledge of IS transformation, technical and functional

consulting, organization & human resources management, Cornel approaches
digitization from a global perspective. He manages a team of 60 engineers and
designs data strategies, technical and functional architecture for companies
of all sizes.

Thanks to his expertise in agile project management, Cornel is a supporter

of continuous process improvement and is heavily involved in setting up
software factories.

Technology Trends 53

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