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What is invert?

invert, a technology startup founded by Andres Bilbao, responsible for incubating

companies with valuations totaling $370 million and co-founder of LATAM’s unicorn
Rappi, is developing forest and biome conservation solutions via tokenization and
decentralized technologies.

Through the blockchain, robust monitoring systems and community partnerships,

invert wants to invest smart money into the Amazon rainforest to unlock a new
generation of conservation through the crypto economy. It also aims to develop new
digital zones that focus on the standing forest and provide real-world benefits to the
local ecosystem.

invert's first initiative, which will be launched on November 15th, is New 3den, an NFT
art collection with different artists created to conserve 26 thousand hectares of Amazon
rainforest. And that’s just the beginning. invert is developing the first play-to-earn
metaverse linked to real forests. It will include a gaming platform that is created and
owned by players, crypto experts and eco visionaries. Players will be able to interact
with each other virtually, earn money, interact with conservation efforts, create new
digital spaces and much more. The whitepaper for the metaverse will be released on Q4

Digital assets such as NFTs and other invert tokens have enabled people around the
world to engage and be rewarded for contributing to the conservation of ecosystems. It
is a scalable approach to conservation, in which invert buys land, applies multilateral
conservation efforts, and markets digital assets to unlock the value of ecosystem
services, which are estimated in trillions annually due to their medicinal potential and
the capacity of maintaining stable climate standards.

Market Potential

While deforestation causes direct economic losses estimated in hundreds of billions to

the global economy each year, the standing forest has potential to generate financial,
social and environmental gains in a new economic logic: the bioeconomy. But the
financial products that reflect this value have not yet reached the necessary scale - the
benefits of the environment have not yet been accounted for. We need new
technologies to unlock this economic potential through innovation and creativity.

The Amazon alone is estimated to contribute $8.2 billion annually to the Brazilian
economy. Meanwhile, deforestation is believed to reach direct and indirect economic
losses of around $ 1 billion per year until 2050, simultaneously aggravating the water
crisis for agriculture, degradation of soil and erosion of land.

What is the “New 3den” collection?

Art has always connected humanity with the world around it, transcending borders,
languages ​and unlocking new possibilities. Our genesis collection, New 3den, marks the
birth of our metaverse.

It is the first collection to be launched by invert, with exclusive works of art created by
twenty crypto-NFT and non-crypto artists. It represents the first examples of digital
assets whose creation and trading contribute to conservation of forests, while offering
the chance for their buyers to be rewarded for their contributions.

The NFT art collection is invert's first release to help conserving the Amazon
rainforests. The sales of more than thirty works of art will directly help the endangered
areas that invert aims to conserve and protect from the myriad of threats the Amazon
faces every day.

How the gallery actually helps the forest

The environmental movement, historically, has contributed a lot to the conservation

and fight against deforestation. Among those achievements, we’ve seen the creation of
protected areas, prohibitionist and punitive legislation, and inspection and protection
by Institutes and NGOs. Much progress has been made, however, in recent years we
have seen a new increase in deforestation in our country due to high impunity for
environmental crimes, disruption of inspection agencies, lack of transparency and
incentives regarding conservation efforts.

That said, the time has passed for us to depend solely on these institutions to prevent
the destruction of our biomes, address issues of the climate crisis and others. And that
is why we are committed to attack the problem from a different angle: betting on
conservation at scale by merging technology and art.

To support the incredible artists that make up this initiative, 50% of the first sale of an
NFT will go to invert to implement conservation projects and acquire new land while
the other 50% will go to the artist. From resellers onward in the secondary market, 5%
of the revenue will go to the artists and 5% will go back to invert.

With the money directed to invert, we will conduct sustainable management initiatives
in the area, work with local communities, payment for environmental services and
carbon stock projects. We want to achieve effective land protection by promoting a
regional bio-economy and supporting the well-being of local communities. That's why
we believe that collaborating with traditional communities from the beginning is crucial
to make the business take off.

At invert, we are dedicated to being as transparent as possible, as we know that we are

dealing with very sensitive issues. In addition to our transparency panel –which will
allow our consumers to monitor land with constantly updated information–we will seek
to carry out periodic audits with reliable and recognized partners. Also, using
Blockchain technology, we can guarantee transparency in every transaction made in our
digital space. Our goal is to be open about who we are and our mission.

What the new collection brings to the market

In terms of conservation, activism and environmental awareness, community

management plans and projects for climate mitigation are nothing new. Neither are
collectables and rare arts in the crypto market. Our New 3den gallery, though, is one of
the first to join the effort to keep the Amazon forest standing through art and the
crypto economy.

The collection innovates the crypto market with tokens that directly contribute to the
conservation of our biomes and their essential ecosystem services, enabling new ways
to conserve the forests in a decentralized way that does not depend on philanthropy or
the public sector. Today we dare to say that anyone in the world will be able to
contribute to mitigating climate change on the planet, combating deforestation and
other threats that forests face. Thus, as invert grows and tokens are traded, so do
conservation areas.

Opportunities for Venture Capital

In recent years, cryptocurrencies and NFTs, driven by the growth of Bitcoin, have
reached new heights, with major investors staking their capital in the sector. While
Bitcoin is currently valued at an all-time high of $60,000 (as of writing this in 2021),
reaching a capitalization of $1.5 trillion, the total capitalization of non-fungible tokens
rose to $60 billion in November 2021, the highest value since its creation in 2015.

The ESG sector has experienced the same explosion. Currently, over $100 trillion of
Assets Under Management (AUM) are managed in accordance with the ESG principles,
and the flow of capital in the sector in 2021 is already higher than last year’s. More and
more, managers are investing their capital in companies that are purpose-driven,
focused on impact and sustainable or climate-friendly. The climate-techs, for example,
had VC application in Europe that went from $1.1 billion in 2016, to $8 billion in 2021.

We realize that day after day, the market determines the adherence to these principles
as a crucial factor. This shows us the great potential of digital assets and how they
manifest the countless possibilities for the bioeconomy to develop new business

Join us

The only question now is, when will you join?

Do you want to contribute to the conservation of the Amazon rainforest? Are you having
doubts? Visit to learn more.
Get to know our collection at OpenSea.
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