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Name : Dian Widana Oscar SY

Class : XII TKJ 4

Advantages and Disadvantages of

Internet for Students
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
First of all i would like to say thank you to Mrs. Erni Melsi and all of
my friend because i can stand up here to deliver a speech about
advantages and disadvantages of internet for student.
All people here know what is the internet? Internet is information
center for us and we can find our solution in internet, example you have
problem with your homework or may you want to buy any else you can
search information in internet, or you can use email to send a electronic
letter, internet is a good solution for your problem but dont forget internet
have a positive and negative effect. Positive effect like you can find
many information you need, internet can as a source of education and
others. Negative effect of internet like fake information, fraids and
another big disadvantages of internet in points. If your device connected
to internet, in this case hacker can stoles your file easily from your
Based on what I have explained above, we can conclude that the
Internet can provide a good or negative impact depending on the user. If
we use for good things, such as doing tasks and expand horizons, it
would be beneficial to us. However, if it is used for things that are not
good, such as opening a porn site, and doing violence, it will give a
negative effect for us.
That is all what I can say, I hope we as a teenager can be wise in
using the Internet, so we can get the benefit and avoid the bad influence
of the internet. So forgive me if I made some mistake or offend
someone. Thanks for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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