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Intelligence 64 (2017) 45–51

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The relation between intelligence and reaction time in tasks with increasing MARK
cognitive load among athletes with intellectual impairment
Debbie Van Biesena,⁎, Katina McCullocha, Luc Janssensa,b, Yves C. Vanlandewijcka
KU Leuven, Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Belgium
KU Leuven, Campus Groep T Leuven, Electrical Engineering (ESAT) TC, Belgium


Keywords: Intelligence has long been associated with chronometric performance measures, such as reaction time (RT);
Intellectual disability however, few studies have investigated this relation in humans at the lower end of the intelligence range. The
Sport purpose of this study is to examine the inter-relation between RT, and intelligence in the population of athletes
Flanker with mild to moderate (IQ 40–75) intellectual impairment (II), according to the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. IQ-
scores were retrieved from the athlete-database, assessed prior to the study by means of the most recently
standardized versions of the Stanford-Binet, Raven Progressive Matrices or Wechsler Intelligence Scales, i.e.,
WISC-V or WAIS-IV. Three RT tasks with increasing cognitive load were administered in this study. The sample
consisted of 103 young individuals (32% females, mean age = 24.4 years, SD = 5.8) with II (mean IQ = 60.6,
SD = 9.2), performing the tests prior to competing in the Global Games; the highest level of sport competition,
organized by the International Federation for Intellectual Disability Sport. We tested whether IQ and RT were
correlated in this sample by means of Pearson's correlations. Afterwards, a comparison sample of tertiary edu-
cation students was recruited (n = 103; mean age = 21.1, SD = 2.4), whereby for each individual participant
with II, a peer was selected on the basis of equal gender, practicing the same sport, and equal accumulated sport
expertise. We focused on the possibility that RT tasks requiring higher cognitive load differentiate more between
the samples. The 2 × 3 ANOVA demonstrated a significant group (athletes with II versus comparison group) by
task (simple RT, choice RT, complex RT) interaction effect, indicating that the progression of RTs increase across
the three tasks with increasing complexity, was more pronounced in the athletes with II than in the comparison
sample. This is the first study investigating RT in a large sample of well-trained active individuals with II. It
provides a benchmark for other studies and suggests that the impact of lower levels of intelligence on RT is most
apparent in RT tasks with the highest cognitive load.

1. Introduction Liewald, & Deary, 2013). A task of this kind typically has a low g-
loading (Schneider & McGrew, 2012). SRT does not require substantial
Reaction times (RT) are a widespread, important and informative cognitive effort; it is enough for the person being tested to simply in-
tool in the study of intelligence (Der & Deary, 2003; Lee & Chabris, dicate that the stimulus is perceived (Johnson & Deary, 2011). Never-
2013; Nissan, Liewald, & Deary, 2013). The relationship between RT theless, there is a long history of researchers having interest in the study
and measures of intelligence has been studied since the second half of of the relation between SRT and intelligence; and faster RTs (i.e.,
the 20th century (Jensen, 2006). Reviews of this research have in- shorter processing speed) in these very simple tasks are associated with
dicated that there is a significant inverse correlation between measures complex reasoning (Schneider & McGrew, 2012). Choice RT tasks in-
of RT, inspection time and other measures of information processing volve tasks with a higher g-loading, in which some minimal processing
time on the one hand; and general intelligence (or g) on the other hand of information content is required; for example, in a four-choice RT-
(Vernon, 1983; Nettelbeck, Edwards, & Vreugdenhil, 1986; Deary, task, arrows may appear facing upwards, downwards, left or right; and
Der, & Ford, 2001; Sheppard & Vernon, 2008; McGrew, 2009a,b). the corresponding keyboard arrow must be chosen (Johnson & Deary,
Many types of RT tasks exist (Cinaz, Vogt, Arnrich, & Tröster, 2012). 2011).
Simple Reaction Time (SRT) refers to the time taken to respond to a Processing speed is a key area of intelligence, and the processing
single stimulus, and only one response option is available (Nissan, speed provides an indication of the rate at which tasks of a specified

Corresponding author at: KU Leuven, Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Tervuursevest 101, 3001 Leuven, Belgium.
E-mail address: (D. Van Biesen).
Received 19 August 2016; Received in revised form 28 June 2017; Accepted 28 June 2017
0160-2896/ © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
D. Van Biesen et al. Intelligence 64 (2017) 45–51

kind and difficulty are performed (McGrew, 2009a,b; players with II and they found that 18% of the variance in tactical
Schneider & McGrew, 2012) which can be evaluated via RTs (Carroll, proficiency was attributed to spatial visualization and simple RT. In
1993). Nissan et al. (2013) demonstrated that people who score high on another recent investigation with well-trained athletes with II from
intelligence tests also tend to have faster RTs and less variance in RT various types of sports (Van Biesen et al., 2016a) the cognitive skills
performance. Deary, Der, & Ford (2001) showed that SRT indices were component approach was used, i.e., focusing on the assessment of
significantly inversely associated with cognitive test scores. The corre- generic cognitive skills (i.e., outside the sport-specific context) that tap
lation between a four-choice RT and general intelligence in their study into the intrinsic cognitive demands of the sport. From that study it was
was − 0.49 in a sample of 900 participants. Overall, the inverse re- concluded that athletes with II scored significantly below athletes
lationship between intelligence and RT is clear (for reviews, see Jensen, without II on cognitive ability measures relevant to sport (i.e., Fluid
1998; Deary, 2000; Jensen, 2006); however, the strength of the re- Reasoning, Short-term Memory, Reaction and Decision Speed). How-
lationship is debatable (Deary, Der, & Ford, 2001; Fry & Hale, 2000). ever, there were large inter-individual differences, and about 2% of the
Furthermore, most of the studies in this field of research comprised II-athletes' sample obtained higher scores than the average score in the
samples of young people at the higher end of the intelligence range comparison group, most apparent in the purely speed-based tests, such
(e.g., college and university students) (Der & Deary, 2003). The present as simple RT and complex RT.
study extends on the current knowledge by including a large sample of In a study involving table tennis players with and without mild to
people with intellectual impairment, situated at the lower end of the moderate II, slower RTs and slower speed of upper limb were found for
intelligence range (IQ ≤ 75). the table tennis players with II, and these measurements correlated
Intellectual impairment (II) is used through the remainder of this positively with their table tennis proficiency levels (Van Biesen,
paper to denote deficits in intellectual functioning, which refers to Verellen, Meyer, Mactavish, Van de Vliet, & Vanlandewijck, 2010). In a
general mental capacities, such as learning, problem solving, thinking more recent study, Van Biesen et al. (2016a) assessed RT in a large
abstractly etc., according to the American Association of Intellectual sample of well-trained athletes with and without mild to moderate II
and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD, 2010). According to the A- from various sports: track and field, swimming, table tennis and bas-
AIDD's definition of intellectual disability, the individual should not ketball. The RT measures included four pure speed-based measures, at
only have II (IQ ≤ 75) to be clinically diagnosed, but two other criteria the most basic level that did not require substantial cognitive effort.
should also be met: (1) limitations in adaptive behavior, and (2) both Significant differences in complex and simple RT were found between
manifested before the age of 18. More specifically, the sample included athletes with and without II. It is important to note that the athletes
in the present investigation was diagnosed as having a mild to moderate with II had significantly larger variability in RT performance. Schweizer
II (IQ between 40 and 75). Various researchers included participants (2001) provides a possible explanation, proposing that the speed ad-
with II in their RT studies, and demonstrated that these individuals vantage of people with higher intelligence test scores is more dominant
have slower RTs compared to peers without II, as well as more inter- when using more sensitive alternative RT tests requiring complex re-
and intra-individual variance in RT performance (Klotz, Johnson, Wu, sponses. This finding was confirmed in the large scale review performed
Isaacs, & Gilbert, 2011; Koichi, Hideyuki, & Mitsuru, 2011; Kosinski, by Lee and Chabris (2013). Combined data from 172 studies, with a
2013;). total of 53,542 participants indicated that measures of intelligence were
RT is also considered as a key factor determining performance in significantly positively correlated with RT and that for some measures
many sports. Sport expertise has been associated with improved RTs this relationship became stronger as the complexity of the tasks in-
(Williams & Ericsson, 2005). However, it is not clear whether the RT of creased. For the current project, a series of three RT paradigms will be
more experienced athletes is a product of their sport expertise or an used with increasing cognitive load, i.e., one pure speed-based test
artifact of individuals with naturally high processing speed being at- (simple reaction time), a choice RT test requiring decision speed and
tracted to, and excelling in sport. To investigate this relationship be- processing visual information and an adapted version of the Flanker test
tween sport expertise and RT, a research design can be applied in which (Eriksen, 1995). The Flanker test has a higher g-loading compared to
athletes/active individuals versus non-athletes/non-active individuals the two other RT tasks, as it is an example of a visual search task, in
are compared (e.g., Khezri, Shahbazi, Kashan, & Pashabadi, 2011; Nuri, which participants need to indicate as rapidly as possible whether a
Shademehr, Moghaddam, & Ghotbi, 2012; Atan & Akyol, 2014). For given target item is present in a display, in which other items (called
example, the study by Nuri, Shadmehr, Moghaddam, and Ghotbi (2012) distracters) are present (Trick & Enns, 1998). During the Flanker task,
focused on comparing RTs between volleyball players and non-athletes, stimuli present targets and distracters simultaneously, and the task is to
with the athlete-group displaying faster visual choice RTs and visual ignore the distracters (response inhibition) and only respond to the
complex choice RTs than the non-athletes. An earlier study by Abourezk targets. Since its introduction, the Flanker task has been widely used for
and Toole (1995) revealed that older active individuals reacted sig- studying attention, detection, distraction, executive control, and other
nificantly faster than non-active controls. However, they only found aspects of cognition (McClean et al., 2013). The Flanker task also
differences for complex choice RT paradigms, but not on simple RT provides the opportunity to examine response time and response ac-
tests. curacy, as an inability to inhibit distracting stimuli leads to slower RTs
There is a gap within the literature to what extent sport expertise or and greater susceptibility to errors. Previous research has shown that
specific interventions could improve the RT in athletes with II. The individuals with II are characterized by medium to large inhibition
World Health Organization has highlighted being involved in sport and deficits (Eriksen, 1995), and groups with higher scores on trait anxiety
physical activity as a public health priority focus since 2004 (WHO, showed greater interference effects, a greater number of errors, and
2016). Specifically for the population of individuals with II, it is vital to reduced efficiency than low trait anxiety groups (Gomez-Iniguez et al.,
be physically active, as Bartlo and Klein (2011) found moderate to 2014).
strong evidence on the effectiveness of physical activity interventions The purpose of this study is to investigate the inter-relation between
on their balance, muscle strength, and overall health and quality of life. intelligence, RT and sport expertise. The study aimed to (1) explore the
We are not aware of any studies investigating the effect of exercise on relation between intelligence and RT in healthy, active individuals at
RT or on cognitive factors other than RT in athletes with II. Alter- the lower ends of the intelligence range; (2) compare the differences in
natively, a new body of literature is emerging investigating the impact RT performance between individuals with II and the comparison group;
of II on sport performance (Burns, 2015; Van Biesen, Mactavish, and (3) investigate differences in processing speed on three RT tasks
McCulloch, Lenaerts, & Vanlandewijck, 2016a). Van Biesen, Kerremans, with increasing cognitive load. The hypotheses are that (1) RT and
Mactavish, and Vanlandewijck (2016b) investigated the relationship intelligence are negatively correlated at the lower end of the in-
between cognition and tactical proficiency in well-trained table tennis telligence range; (2) that the athletes in the comparison group score

D. Van Biesen et al. Intelligence 64 (2017) 45–51

Table 1 questions of interest for this study. It should be noted that participants'
Demographics of both participant groups (athletes with II versus comparison group). nationality was not a matching criterion. All participants in the com-
parison group had Belgian nationality, which we should take into
Athletes with II Comparison group
consideration in the interpretation of our findings, as the athletes with
N Mean SD N Mean SD II represented various nationalities. Furthermore, IQ scores were not
available for the comparison group; however, all participants in the
Gender (male/female) 70/33 70/33
comparison group were college or university students, who, at
Age 103 24.4 5.8 103 21.1 2.4
IQ 103 60.6 9.2 Data not available minimum, had graduated from regular secondary education. Data from
Accumulated training the standardization of the Wechsler-Adult Intelligence Scale Revised
experience across (WAIS-R) was used by Matarazzo and Herman (1984) to investigate the
the lifespan/sport relation between IQ and education. Based on their data, years of
schooling may be used as an estimation of Full Scale IQ. Individuals,
Athletics 4 6474.0 7539.0 4 5915.0 2569.5
Basketball 34 3688.6 3111.5 34 3042.0 1428.4 like those in our comparison group, who completed 12 years of regular
Cycling 5 9188.4 7631.7 5 9305.4 8486.6 education, have an average IQ of 100.1 (SD 15.3). Hence, it can be
Soccer 26 2426.1 1375.6 26 3505.0 1865.0 assumed (although not guaranteed) that all the participants in the
Swimming 25 7763.0 5467.5 25 4857.8 2789.3
comparison group are athletes without II. A written informed consent
Tennis 9 3068.0 2483.9 9 2241.8 1649.9
was obtained from all participants before the start of the experiment.
Note. II = intellectual impairment. The Medical Ethics Committee of KU Leuven approved the study.
Whereas all participants in the comparison group completed all
better than athletes with II on all measures of RT; and (3) that the ef- tests, n = 102 athletes with II had complete data on all RT measures.
fects are more pronounced for RT tasks requiring higher cognitive load. One athlete refused to perform the final subtest (Flanker) after per-
forming the SRT and ChRT.

2. Methods 2.2. Procedure & instruments

2.1. Participants Data collection consisted of one test session with a total duration of
approximately 15 min. Prior to starting the experiment, participants
The primary sample for this study consisted of 103 participants (and their guardian if necessary) signed an informed consent, as well as
(32% female) who participated at the Global Games in Ecuador, a questionnaire concerning age, sport activity, training history and
September 2015, organized by The International Federation for training volume. Parental consent was also attained if the participant
Intellectual Disability Sport (better known by its acronym INAS), M was younger than 18 years. After consent was given, three computer-
age = 24.4, SD = 5.8 years, M IQ = 60.6, SD = 9.2. The athletes ized RT tests were performed in fixed order with gradually increasing
participated in six different sports: basketball (n = 34), soccer cognitive load; simple reaction time (SRT), choice reaction time (ChRT)
(n = 26), cycling (n = 5), swimming (n = 25), tennis (n = 9) and and complex reaction time or Flanker test (Flanker). We used this ap-
athletics (n = 4). Seventeen athletes (16.5%) were left-handed, and 86 proach in order to gradually build up the task difficulty, but also the
athletes (83.5%) were right-handed. The training experience data (see complexity of the test instruction, to accommodate the specific needs of
Table 1) was self- reported by the athletes and their coaches, including individuals with II. Standardized instructions, demonstration, and
the total years of previous involvement in the sport, and the average practice trials were provided for each of the three tests, with completion
time spent on sport practice/training per week. An estimation of ac- time and number of practice trials determined by how quickly each
cumulated training hours across the lifespan was calculated per athlete participant understood the desired task. A 16-inch screen (resolution of
by means of a simple formula multiplying the previous years of in- 1280 × 720 pixels, blue background, white stimuli) and a keyboard,
volvement by the average hours of deliberate practice per week attached to the laptop, was used. The screen was adjusted with the
(Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Römer, 1993). center at participants' eye-height and a standardized distance (65 cm,
As stated earlier, all athletes included in this study met the criteria i.e., two times the screen width) between the screen and the partici-
for diagnosis of intellectual disability (AAIDD, 2010). The participants pants' forehead. The test took place in a quiet room, free from any
represented nine different countries (Australia, USA, Mexico, The distractions. No feedback was provided during test performance, to
Netherlands, Ecuador, France, Portugal, South-Africa, and Japan). None avoid participants being distracted. After completion of the subtests,
of the participants had severe or profound II, or a known chromosomal the test instructor did not communicate information about the test re-
disorder (e.g., Down Syndrome). The detailed IQ and adaptive behavior sult, and only general positive encouragement (i.e., “you are doing a
data of the participants were retrieved from the INAS database. INAS good job”, “well done”, “continue to perform as fast as you can”).
recognizes the most recently standardized versions of the Stanford-
Binet (Thorndike, Hagen, & Sattler, 1986), Raven Progressive Matrices 2.3. Instruments
(Raven, Raven, & Court, 1998) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales,
i.e., WISC-V (Wechsler, 2014), and WAIS-IV (Wechsler, 2008). The SRT (see Fig. 1a) included one stimulus (i.e., an arrow, pointing
A comparison group of 103 Belgian tertiary education students (M to the right), appearing in the middle of screen, with time intervals
age = 21.1, SD = 2.4 years) was recruited afterwards. In the compar- between 0 ms and 2000 ms, randomly generated in LabVIEW™, Na-
ison group, 23 participants (22.3%) were left-handed and 80 partici- tional Instruments. The practice trials were followed by 12 test trials.
pants (77.7%) were right-handed. The demographics of both partici- The participant rested the index finger of the dominant hand on the
pant groups are provided in Table 1. In any analysis of this type, the right arrow of the keyboard with the instruction to respond as fast as
characteristics of the particular comparison group have some impact on possible, every time as soon as the stimulus appeared on the screen. The
the results. In this study, each individual with II was matched with a result registered by the computer was the mean RT over 12 trials, ex-
student in the same age category, same gender and practicing the same pressed in milliseconds.
principal sport. Every subsample (e.g., male soccer players) was re- The ChRT (see Fig. 1b) included one arrow, pointing randomly to
cruited taking into account the training volume reported, making sure any of the four directions (up, down, left, right), appearing in random
that the total training experience of both subsamples was equal (see positions all over the screen. There were no time intervals between each
Table 1). The comparison sample was selected to address the main trial; rather, a new arrow appeared immediately after the participants'

D. Van Biesen et al. Intelligence 64 (2017) 45–51

standard deviations were positively skewed, they were log-transformed,

using log base 10, to produce normally distributed variables, resulting
in three RT variables: SRTmslog, ChRTmslog, and Flankermslog.

(1) Bivariate descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlations were used

to model the bivariate relationship between each of the three RT
measures and IQ scores in the sample of athletes with II.
(2) F-tests were used to compare differences in RT measures between
the group of athletes with II and the comparison group of equally
well-trained peers.
(3) Finally, to assess differences in RT task performance with increasing
cognitive load, between athletes with II and the comparison group,
a 2 × 3 ANOVA repeated measures analysis was performed. The
normality assumptions to perform the ANOVA were met after per-
forming log transformations (i.e., independent and continuous
variables, no significant outliers, normal data distribution).
Homogeneity of variance was not guaranteed; however, the large
and equally distributed sample size justified the choice for para-
metric statistics.

3. Results

The results of the study are described in three sections. First, we

provide the evaluation of the relationship between IQ scores and RT
measures in athletes with II (see Table 2). Next, we examine the com-
parison of performance on the three RT tasks in both samples, to de-
termine whether differences in RT exist between both samples (see
Table 3). In the third and final section, we provide the results of the
repeated measures ANOVA to evaluate the task by group interactions.
The relationship between RT and IQ was investigated using Pearson
product-moment correlation coefficient. There was a moderate negative
correlation between IQ and RT, ranging from r = − 0.34, p < 0.001
for the SRT task, r = − 0.46, p < 0.001 for the ChRT task, and
Fig. 1. Example of stimulus representation during the three versions of the computerized r = − 0.49, p < 0.001 for the Flanker task.
reaction time tasks (a) simple reaction time, (b) choice reaction time, and (c) Flanker test.
As shown in Table 3, significantly slower RTs were observed for
athletes with II compared to the comparison group on all three RT tasks.
response. The stimulus continued for 30 s. The participant rested the The 2 × 3 ANOVA was conducted between group (athletes with II
index finger of the dominant hand close to the arrow keys on the versus comparison) and task with increasing cognitive load (SRTlog,
keyboard with the instruction to respond by pressing the corresponding ChRTlog and Flankerlog). The results of the analysis are displayed in
arrow key (up, down, left, right) as fast as possible, as soon as the sti- Fig. 2. This analysis revealed a significant main effect for task, F(1,
mulus appeared on the screen. The total number of responses in 30 s, 204) = 1610.7, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.94. The RT significantly increased
and the number of correct and wrong taps were automatically regis- with increasing cognitive load. A significant main effect was also found
tered. for the between factor group, F(1, 204) = 163.59, p < 0.001,
The adapted Flanker task (see Fig. 1c) included one stimulus target η2 = 0.44, with athletes in the comparison group performing better on
(i.e., arrow pointing left, right, up or down) and four distractors all three RT tasks than II-athletes. Interestingly, there was an interac-
(flanker arrows surrounding the target), with no time intervals between tion effect between the cognitive load of the task and the group, F(1,
each trial. The participant rested the index finger of the dominant hand 204) = 27.13, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.21). The difference between the
close to the arrow keys on the keyboard, with the instruction to ignore groups was larger in the ChRT test compared to the SRT, and the dif-
the flanker arrows, and to focus on the central arrow only, responding ference between groups was larger in the Flanker test compared to the
as fast as possible by pressing the corresponding arrow key (up, down, ChRT and SRT test.
left, right), as soon as the stimuli appeared on the screen. The Flanker
configurations appeared randomly at nine possible locations around the
screen to increase the cognitive load (add visual search capacity) and to Table 2
avoid that the participants would tap random buttons as fast as possible Pearson's r correlations among the measures of the three reaction time tasks, IQ, age and
training volume in athletes with intellectual impairment.
continuously without information processing. The total number of re-
sponses in 30 s, and the number of correct and wrong taps were auto- Variable SRTmslog ChRTmslog Flankermslog IQ age Training
matically registered. volume

SRTmslog 1 0.54⁎⁎ 0.48⁎⁎ − 0.34⁎⁎ 0.09 − 0.03

2.4. Data analysis ChRTmslog / 1 0.85⁎⁎ − 0.46⁎⁎ 0.44⁎⁎ 0.26⁎
Flankermslog / / 1 − 0.49⁎⁎ 0.37⁎⁎ 0.21⁎
All the statistical analyses were performed in the IBM SPSS Statistics
Note. SRTmslog = simple reaction time, ChRT = choice reaction time, Flanker = adapted
program version 22, with level of significance set at p < 0.05 to test
Flanker test, ms = milliseconds, log = log 10-transformed, training volume = accumu-
the three hypotheses. Measures of RT were defined as the average RT to lated sport experience over the lifespan.
respond per trial and expressed in milliseconds (ms) (respectively ⁎
p < 0.05.
SRTms, ChRTms, and Flankerms). As the RT measures' means and p < 0.001.

D. Van Biesen et al. Intelligence 64 (2017) 45–51

Table 3
Descriptive statistics for the RT tasks by participant group, and repeated measures ANOVA results for between-group means.

Athletes with II Comparison group F η2 p

Median Range M (SD) Median Range M (SD)

SRT (ms) 349.0 218.0–1489.0 409.8 (190.8) 292.0 218.0–454.0 296.3 (41.3) 35.8 0.21 < 0.001
ChRT (ms) 857.1 555.6–1666.7 892.7 (244.6) 612.2 500.0–810.8 620.2 (59.8) 123.9 0.43 < 0.001
Flanker (ms) 1111.1 666.7–3750.0 1256.7 (500.6) 750.0 588.2–1000.0 745.5 (77.5) 107.8 0.47 < 0.001

Note. SRT = simple reaction time, ChRT = choice reaction time, Flanker = adapted Flanker test, ms = milliseconds.

adapted Flanker task, the response demands were comparable with

those in the ChRT task (i.e., four choices); however, additional cogni-
tive processes were involved in response selection, because distracters
were added and response inhibition was required on top of the visual
search task. As hypothesized, differences between athletes with II and
the comparison group became more pronounced with increasing cog-
nitive load. The challenge in this type of research is to find RT tasks
requiring sufficient cognitive load to distinguish between athletes with
II and the comparison group without II; however, higher-order cogni-
tive engagement should not include cognitive abilities such as working
memory or fluid reasoning, to make sure the RT task still measures
what it should be measuring, i.e., speed of response (Miller and Vernon,
1996; Nissan, Liewald, & Deary, 2013).
In a number of previous studies regarding the relation between RT
and measures of intelligence; not only the central tendency, but also the
different aspects of the shape of RT distributions have been examined
(Coyle, 2003; Schmiedek, Oberauer, Wilhelm, Süb, & Wittmann, 2007).
It has been claimed that aspects of RT distributions beyond means or
Fig. 2. Comparison of response time for each RT task between both groups (athletes with
medians, for example RT variability, might carry important information
II and comparison group). Note. II = intellectual impairment, SRT = simple reaction
time, ChRT = choice reaction time. Error bars represent standard deviations. *p < 0.05. regarding the relationship between SRT tasks and intelligence (Jensen,
1998). For example, the worst performance rule states that the slowest
4. Discussion RTs on a cognitive task are more strongly related to intelligence than
are the faster RTs (Schmiedek, Oberauer, Wilhelm, Süb, & Wittmann,
The purpose of this study was to investigate how RT and intelligence 2007). One possible explanation for this theory is that individuals at the
were related in two samples of well-trained athletes. The relationship lower end of the intelligence range are more susceptible to attentional
between intelligence and RT was first investigated in a sample of in- lapses while performing RT tasks, which can also explain the RT versus
dividuals at the lower end of the intelligence range. IQ was moderately intelligence distributions observed within the present study for all three
negatively correlated with all measures of RT in the athletes with II and RT tasks. Attentional lapses can occur when the participant completely
the correlation varied between r = −0.34 for the simple RT, and disengages from the task during one or more trials (Adam, Mance,
r = − 0.49 for the most complex RT task. As also expected, the dif- Fukuda, & Vogel, 2015). Attentional lapses could also manifest as de-
ferences in RT performance between two samples of healthy, active graded attentional control rather than as a complete lapse. Individuals
athletes with II and the comparison group was more pronounced when with II may have attentional lapses, mostly while performing the RT
the RT tasks required a higher cognitive load. tasks with the highest cognitive load. As a suggestion for further re-
In general, slower RTs in individuals with II compared to individuals search, it could be investigated whether the characteristics of the intra-
without II have been found in numerous previous studies (Klotz, individual RT distribution are associated with the individual differences
Johnson, Wu, Isaacs, & Gilbert, 2011; Koichi, Hideyuki, & Mitsuru, in intelligence of well-trained athletes with and without II.
2011; Kosinski, 2013; Nissan et al., 2013). Not only the response time, The specific target population for the study of RT in the present
but also intra-individual variability in RT (which is measured as the SD study involved well-trained athletes with II, competing in international
of the participant's RT over the various trials) has a large inverse cor- events. Previous studies demonstrated that experienced athletes have a
relation with IQ (Jensen, 2006). better RT than novices (Abourezk & Toole, 1995; Khezri et al., 2011;
In the present study, three RT tasks were included with increasing Nuri et al., 2012; Atan & Akyol, 2014). Nuri et al. (2012) showed that
cognitive load, ranging from SRT (one visual stimulus – one stimulus volleyball players had better RT compared to non-athletes. The authors
location – one response), over ChRT (four types of stimuli at various attributed the superior perceptual abilities of the volleyball players to
locations - four corresponding response options), to the Flanker Task the acquired knowledge while performing sport specific patterns and to
(four types of stimuli – various locations – visual search - distracters/ the extraction of this knowledge in similar conditions. Atan and Akyol
response inhibition added). As expected, information-processing load (2014) found that athletes from various sports (i.e., football, basketball,
increased across the three RT tasks and the response time increased judo, athletics and taekwondo) had faster RT parameters compared to
accordingly in both populations. According to Schweizer (2001), RT non-athlete peers. However, the question remains; what is the causal
tasks that require a higher cognitive load (e.g., when inspection time is relation for their finding: are people with faster RTs more inclined to
involved) yield higher correlations between IQ scores and RT measures excel in sports, or did high-level athletes acquire faster RTs as a product
than RT tasks with less cognitive demands (e.g., SRT). The results of our of their sport expertise? Exercise can affect RT; however, inconclusive
study support this assumption, whereby there was a greater increase in results have been reported regarding the precise nature of the effect of
RT with increasing cognitive load in II-athletes compared to their exercise on RT and other measures of cognitive function (Kosinski,
equally well-trained counterparts in the comparison group. In the 2013). Some studies showed that vigorous exercise has the potential to
improve RTs; however, the strongest effects were found immediately

D. Van Biesen et al. Intelligence 64 (2017) 45–51

after exercise, and less in the long term (Tomporowski, 2003; Acknowledgements
Kashihara & Nakahara, 2005; Davranche, Audiffren, & Denjean, 2006).
This might contribute to the explanation of the present findings that The authors thank the International Federation for Intellectual
being well-trained seems to have only limited positive effects on RT in Disability Sport (INAS) and the International Paralympic Committee
individuals with II; however, if there is a positive effect, it is more (IPC) for their support to conduct this study.
apparent in the simple RT tasks compared to the higher order cognitive
tasks. References

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