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As the solvent move and being absorbed by the chromatography paper, the ink is
spreading. While the dark ink is expanding, there are assortment of hues turning out in
the paper because of the distinct speed of how each of the chemicals. From the start, it
would appear that it looks some sort of different shapes, however, in the last picture
which I assumed that it was the solvent that has been absorbed the most seems as a bright
redwood tree.
2. Yes the ink pigment is a mixture because as we found in the chromatography paper, the
hues was isolated from each other, therefore, I can conclude that the pigment used was a
3. You are able to distinguish the substances that can be found in a mixture because of the
help of the chromatography paper that is used to isolate different substances that is
present in a mixture.
4. With the assistance of the chromatography paper, we saw that the ink was separated into
more than one substance, which demonstrates that the ink is a mixture.
5. Yes is it quite a useful method to distinguish if a certain matter is a mixture or a pure
substance because it is one of the separation techniques used for separating and
identifying mixtures, especially pigments.

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