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Getting a chance to work in digital marketing is my dream come true.

This could be my best opportunity to gain my first real experience in this sector.
I was always interested in learning more about these platforms and get a chance to
work with them.
I'm an active follower on social media platforms and a few marketing channels.
I've given many campaigns on my social media accounts where I contested for student

body elections, literary captain and school prefect. I've gained several positive
due to social media marketing. I'm capable of being completely focussed on a
particular task
until I achieve the results. I do my work sincerely and also have an open mind
seeking guidance
from my team members when required. Furthermore, I'm a quick learner and quite
creative at my work.
I'm patient and have great attention to detail on every little thing. I promise to
deliver quality
work throughout the tenure of this internship. I believe I can meet your
requirements if I get a chance to showcase my talents.

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