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750 essay

For unit 3 I want to specialise in something which is art based. With the idea of what I want to do, I
am leaning more towards the cyanotype area, this interests me because with my unit 1 I did
specifically art-based work which was screen printing.
I enjoyed the fact of using the colour aspects to gain the insight of how emotions can be reflected,
through the different meanings of colour. Though this is not very reflective of actual Arabic itself,
through the cyanotypes I could then experiment and reflect more on the actual statements which are
being brought across and allow this to be the bold statement which people can then reflect upon. As it
only being two colours, blue ink of the cyanotype and the white parts which are the statements and the
verses or words of the Qur’an. This interests me more because I can focus on how the wording then
impacts on someone through it just being a bold, large statement rather than focusing only on the
I could also explore using different techniques to create colourful backgrounds. This could give me
extra experience and opportunity to explore the relationship between background and text, in order to
make a statement and the text obvious to the viewer.
The other techniques I would like to explore are things like marbling, developing more into screen
printing, also to do something which is more textiles based as then experimentation can be further
developed this way through exploring different techniques of showing my bold statements.
Within unit 1, I really liked the art aspect of the course even though I never really had thought about
this being something that I would like to go into in quite so much depth. But, through the research of
Islamic art and what sort of lines the artists themselves go down, it’s usually solely based on art,
drawing or painting ideas which I like.
Then through further research and looking into different artists, no one has really gone down the route
of using something like cyanotypes or the basis of how it works. This has made me want to go into
this specialism as this would just be more Islam based and how the words affect the viewers and how
this would be something different to explore and put ahead into experimenting with Islamic art.
The artist which has really inspired and influenced me in Islamic art is Nadia Janjua. She is a female
Islamic artist who specialises in paintings, marbling etc to convey her message and purposes of Islam
through this. She had showed how colours have a meaning behind it through either her experiences or
religious context. Through this inspiration of Nadia Janjua, I will allow this to help influence my
project through doing the opposite of what Nadia demonstrates. So instead of using colour I am going
to solely focus on the writing, and how it helps to connect to emotions and experiences, that I would
have felt through when first interpretations of these verses to myself or when I have used these verses
within my lifestyle itself. This shows through the boldness of the words and how they stand out over
the colour of them can show how Islamic art and the concepts of it can be put into place through the
influence of Nadia in my unit 3 project. Through this idea I want to allow my project to lead to the
outcome exploring how many ways that I can show Islam and the Islamic art basis through different
varieties of work. I want to show colour and bold statements and how each part of that combined
allows people to feel with certain verses or words of the Qur’an or significant Islamic words which
have a strong meaning to it. Through this I just want to make bold images so that people can then see
what it would be like, and how it can be interpreted through a religious point of view, but not only
that but how people can see how religion would be like through the idea of art and how this can be
experimented with. The reasoning behind what I want to achieve here is not only because it gives the
opportunity to voice opinions, but how it could be a way to voice the peacefulness and the beauty of
the religion where some people have interpreted this in a wrong context. This then allows people and
people of the religion itself to remember how the actual word of Islam means peace, this can be a
reminder and voice to the wider community of what it means. This way voices which cannot always
be heard through different means can claim some sort of justice on their behalf (women who have
been restricted of freedoms by Taliban rule, which they had previously during the coalition for best
part of the last 20 years in Afghanistan)

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