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1, Narrative text / Folktale :

 Definition = Narrative text is the type of text that tells a chronological story in the past tense.

 Generic Structure :

- Orientation = Setting of the story, menjelaskan latar cerita.

- Complication = Inti dari cerita yang menjelaskan tentang masalah ( raising the problems )
yang diikuti oleh puncak masalah ( point of climax ) .

- Resolution = Penyelesaian masalah.

- Re-orientation / Coda = Ending of the story, bagian ini adalah akhir dari cerita, yang biasanya
disisipkan pesan moral ( moral value ) .

 Folktales = A story originating popular culture tipically based in by word of mouth.

2. Report Text :

 Text which present information about something, as it is, it is as a result of systematic

observation and analyses.

 Generic Structure :

- General Clasification = Stating classification of general aspect of thing.

- Description = Tells what the phenomenon under discussion.

 Language Features :

- Simple Present Tense.

- Action Verb.

- Third Person Point of View.

 Purpose = To generally present detailed information about something to the reader.

3. Passive Voice :

 Passive voice is used when want to emphasize a person or an object that experiences an
 Rules Passive Voice :

- Object be subject.

- Using “Di”.

- Transitive Verb.

 Tense :

- Present Continuous  [ S + To Be + Being + Past Participle ]

- Perfect Tense  [ S + Has/Have + Been + Past Participle ]

- Past Tense  - Active Voice = [ S + V1 + Object ]

- Passive Voice = [ S + Was/Were + V3 ]

- Continuous Tense  [ S + Was/Were + Being + V3 ]

 Fungsi :

- Untuk menekankan bahwa seseorang atau suatu objek mengalami sesuatu.

- Digunakan ketika pelaku tidak penting untuk diketahui.

4. Advertisement Text :

 Advertisement is an announcement in the form of an image, audio, or a video that serves to

inform the public of a certain product, service, or vacancy.

 Generic Structure :

- Purpose ( tujuan ) .

- Name of product ( nama produk ) .

- User ( pengguna ) .

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