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EXAM ANSWERS FOR LEAVEN-LIKE EVANGELISM T OF T AGG Che eeD ag A L oO WM 0 OO 2. 2H eee ® O 22. 0 2% OO O WM 00 23. Id 4° 0 O QO O & 24. le 5 ®M O 0 0 0 25. 6 O M8 O OC) 26. 7 O WM O DO CZ) 2. 0 & O O WM OC 28. % O O O DO (—) 2. O ® @M O O OM 30. (x) woo oO 0 O & 3 2m OO O O @ O 32, (x) BO O O & 33. 4 @) O O OM 34.0 5 @ O O O (1 35. O 6% O O O & O 36. () ™m™ OO QO O & O 37.) B ®M O O OO 3. %3 QO O 8 O 39.) 2 WM O O OM 40. () THEHEE! ALB aC D, a OO ®M O ¢ 2 ® O 0 2 oO 3B & ® O O aaa 6 O O ®W QO 6 O WM OQ O 7 O O & O Bee COE (a a O ® O O 2 O O 8% O Se Leaven-Like Evangelism Final Examination- The seriptural reference revealing that the spreading of the Kingdom of God has ualimited, leaven-like potential is a Romans 14:17 b. Luke 13:20-21 ce. John 3:3 Jesus used mustard seed and leaven as examples 4, To illustrate the silent powerful way to advance the Kingdom b. To show how great a tiny thing can develop into with faith ¢, To illustrate how something small and hidden can grow into something great and powerfil 4. All of the above fe. None of the above “There are many new methods that can assist in spreading the Gospel. ‘They include a, Praise and Worship Conferences b, Seminars & Retreats ©. Technology 4. Allof the above e. None of the above Evangelism is a. The church at work for the Lord b.. ‘The same as revival c. Communicating the Gospel through the power of the Holy Spirit d. A&B e A&C £, None of the above Revival is a. The Lord at work in the church b, A seasonal, scheduled service or meeting in the church ©. Aconcert with prayer and 3 offerings d. None of the above nony of conversion is a method of evangelism called a. Praise and thanksgiving b. Witnessing ©. Sanctification dd, Assurance of salvation Evangelism results in an experience called a. Catching the Holy Spirit b. Conversion or salvation ¢. Information and Communication To understand why the world needs (0 be evangelized what two things to you need to know a, The definition and the destiny of the lost b, What happened in the Books of Exodus and Joshua ©. Why Apostle John was exiled on the Isle of Patinos 9, The process of Evangelism includes a. Proclamation b. Persuasion ©. Perfection d. A&B e A&C £ Allof the above 10, Jesus gave the mandate of evangelism based on the principles of a. Command, Concern & Competition 6, Preaching, Praying & Studying ©. Programming, Teaching & Training d. Multiplication, Domination & Salvation LL. To fulfill the mandate of evangelism a. It must have first priority b,_Itmust be empowered by the Holy S| ©. The church must become a sending station instead of a place of rest and recreation d A&C ©. Allofthe above f None of the above 12. The scriptural reason for involvement in evangelism is a, Excitement about recent conversion b. Requirement for joining the local church €. Schoo! or training program requirement 4d, Mandate of Jesus Christ 13. Many people do not evangelize because a, They feel they lack the ability to do so b, ‘They feel their efforts. will be insignificant ©. ‘The fear of being rejected by those to whom they witness 4d. Allofthe above &. None of the above 14, The message of evangelism is ‘a, The Gospel of the Kingdom b. The law and the prophets c. The Pentecostal Experience d, Paul's Gospel 15, ‘The message of the Kingdom is not in words only, but 4. [must be accompanied in demonstration of God’s power b. tt must include radios, televisions audio and video tapes . Tinust be accompanied with praise and worship 16, Why the Gospel is powerful is revealed in a. Matt. 4:7 b. Jude 20 ©. | Corinthians 4:20 d.- Romans 1:16-19 17. The demonstration of power in miracles and healing is, a. The Kingdom of God in Action b. Tobe apart of the message of evangelism ¢. To accompany the verbal presentation of the gospel d._Allof the above e. None of the above 18, Praying evangelistically means you pray for a, Laborers in the harvest, opportunity and boldness b. Your Pastor to go door to door more frequently c. Television Evangelists to reach more cities d. New members to find your local church 19, Evangelistic communication must a, Include human and divine elements a, Be understood within the cultural context b, Go beyond verbalization ©. Allof the above d. None of the above 20. Over a period of time in chureh history a gradual separation developed between a, Clergy and Laity b. Prophets and Teachers c. Apostles and Pastors 4, Allof the above €. None of the Above 21. There is one calling and that is the vocation of every believer To change society To attack political systems and other religions ‘To bear witness to the Gospel Allof the above None of the above 22, God's plan of evangelism is based on multiplication ing cells beeause a. ng cells multiply b, Bach new cell has the ability to reproduce ©. Growth does not take place by adding one unit to another. d.Allof the above ©. None of the above 23, Mate the following 4 types of sinners with the correct deseription a. Rational Sinner 1. More concemed about own personal problems than spiritual issues b, Reformed Sinner 2, Trusts in ceremonial and rituals but does not know the true God c. Religious Sinner 3. Believes he is as good as anyone else and there are only hypocrites in the church d. Rejected Sinner |. Very intelligent and will bring up intellectual issues when the gospel is presented, 24, Match the following a, Family 1, Was faithful with all his household b, Joshua day salvation come to this how ¢, Rahab Exelaimed, “As for me and my household we wil d. Zaccheaus serve the lord” ©, Moses A divinely created social unit Entire family saved from destruction 25. Method is a, To consider the value of something b, Organized way of doing something ©. Understanding to deal with the occult d. Tocaefilly examine something 26. When Jesus looked on the natural harvest, which represented the spiitual harvest, the first thing he commanded his disciples to do was a. Go b. Organize ©. Pray 27. Evangelism was not just one of the many activities of the early church a. Ityvas a call for pastors to leave pulpits and lead erusades b, Itwvas the main priority ©. Iwas a waste of time and energy for the saints 28. The director of evangelism is a. The ministry leader appointed by the pastor 6, ‘The Evangelist and Teach ©. ‘The Holy Spirit 29. In what scriptural reference did Jesus announce his six point plan that was followed throughout his earthly ministry? a. Acts. 1:8 b, Luke 4:18,19 Mark 16:20 30. To be “Strategically Mobile” is to 4. Move quickly to penetrate areas of receptivity, b, Be ready to move to a warm climate as the weather cools down ©. Facebook evangelism 31, The test of a good soldier is 8. His appearance during a parade b. His performance on the battle field Acting today on the basis of orders given 20 years ago 32. A parable is A story that uses an natural example to illustrate a spiritual truth b. The life story of John the Baptist ‘¢, The explanation of why John was beheaded dd. None of the above 33. Three parables show Gods concern for the lost and the urgency with which you should seek them a. The Lost Books, The Lost Jewels, The Lost City b. The Lost sheep, The lost Coin, The Lost Son ©. The Lost donkeys, The lost children, The Lost hope 34, Personal evangelism is done in one of three ways a. Conference phone call, Guest Carel Response, Community Canvassing b. Sunday School, Bible Study, Leaders Monthly Mecting ©. Silent Witness, Gospel ‘Tracts, Verbal Witness 35. TorF — There is only one method of personal evangelism that will work in every situation, 36. TorF One thing all unsaved people have is common the desire to join a church, 37. Tor P A person with an experience is never at the merey of one with an argument. 38. Saturation Evangelism is a, To spread the gospel much like leaven in bread dough b, Spread the gospel until an entire area is permeated ©. Allofthe above 4d. None of the above 39. Outward reform is not sufficient if a. IP lasts less than 21 days b. IP the heart remains unchanged ¢. IPftiends contribute to your bad habits 40, Saturation Evangelism is based on the principle of a. The focus being on “GO” rather than “Come” b. A dedicated minority can impact a nation c. Mobilization is within the framework of the church 4d. Allofthe above e. None of the above Al. Tor F Cold calls are effective, you do not need an organized schedule for saturation evangelism. 42, The motto of the follow up care of the new convert should be a. “Never let go” b, “Keep the faith” c. “I got my eyes on you” 43, Revival is a ing that was previously alive, but is near death b. To touch people who would never go into the church building cc. A mass evangelistic crusade 44, A disciple is a, A convert established in the Christian faith, b. Capable raising up new converts and discipling them ©. Allof'the above d. None of the above 45, The word “disciple” is a, To dispense information b. To meet weekly for coffee . Someone who learns by following 46. T or F When you disciple a new convert you take the place of their pastor. 47, Jesus relationship with his disciples included a. Association & Instruction b. Consecration & Vision . Allofthe above d, None of the above 48, Jesus? supervision of His disciples included a. Correcting them b, Rebuking them c. Encouraging them d.Allof the above e, None of the above 49, The true test of discipleship is a, Making your own decisions when problems comes up b, What happens when you are nto longer present with those you disciple ¢. When you can write your own set of guidelines 50, Jesus prayed that believers might be one with Him and the Father a. In Revelations 3:16 b. In Romans 12:2 cc. InJohn 17:21

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