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Name: Chindy Rosari Tefa

Improving Primary Health Care services in South East Asia. Discuss.

Primary Health Care (PHC) services have many benefits for both individuals and communities
and seems to enhanceresult in the integrity of national health systems. PHC is anthe important
aspect ofto build a robust health care system. Health systems based on primary care services have
been shown to attain better health equity, constructiveness, and better population health at lower
cost. PHC can also help to restrain the obstructive effect of poor economic condition on health.
According to World Health Organization(WHO) (2017), PHC has three key elements including
integrated services, multicultural approach and movement, and empowered people and
communities. Although the value of PHC is well understood, there are some barriers that can make
improving PHC services become more challenging especially in developing countries. Each country
has a different idea of what primary care entails. The most crucial issues in this field currentlythese
days are each country is considered varied in socioeconomic viability, conventional practices and
development of their health systems. This essay will assess the benefits of improving PHC and the
possible obstacles to obtain better primary care services. It will then put forward the
recommendation for the government and related stakeholders in South East Asia to enhance
better primary care services.

The global conference on PHC in Alma-Ata in 1978 was the first international forum that
exemplified pressing and effective regional and worldwide action to develop and accomplish PHC
throughout the world especially in developing countries. PHC was described as the first level of
health care assistance that provides increased accessibility to advanced health care systems for the
individual and for the community at costs that are affordable (vanWeel & Kassai 2017). After 40
years, there was renewed dialogue about the important role of PHC in order to addresses the
health demand of all patients at the population level with integrating care, prevention, and health
vanWeel, C & Kassai, R 2017, 'Expanding primary care in South and East Asia', BMJ, vol. 356, no.

World Health Organization 2017, Monitoring health in the sustainable development goals : 2017

Excellent sources- just add the page run of the journal article.

Chindy, this is excellent work. You have two clear, cohesive and well-structured paragraphs. I
would add a more detailed outline sentence to your introduction and a concluding sentence to the
background paragraph. But, aside from these very minor things, there is not a great deal more that
can be done to improve already outstanding work!

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