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Some ideas:

1. Many countries operate student loans schemes – the government lends you the money to study and you pay it back + interest when you start
working. As a result, students leave education with very high levels of debt that can take may years to repay – free education would end this debt
problem. Knowing they will have a lot of debt may make some choose courses/career paths that will earn them more money (to pay back the debt)
but may not be the best area for them (an example of how it could affect study choices)

2. Develop the low income idea – Some smart and talented people do not study due to a lack of money. Some of those people will be exceptionally
smart and could achieve a lot – without free education (for those people) a government is wasting a potential human resource

3. Develop the benefits ideas – better education = better money = more money spend on houses, cars, luxury goods, art and entertainment, all of this
directly feeds back to local and national revenue enhancement

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