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Mission 1

1. What is a zoonotic disease?

Zoonotic diseases are caused by harmful germs like viruses, bacterial, parasites, and
fungi. These germs can cause many different types of illnesses in people and animals,
ranging from mild to serious illness and even death. Animals can sometimes appear
healthy even when they are carrying germs that can make people sick, depending on the
zoonotic disease.
2. What are the examples of zoonotic diseases?
- Ringworm
- Swine flu
- Tularemia
- West nile virus
3. How do germs spread from animals to human?
These can include: Direct contact: Coming into contact with the saliva, blood, urine,
mucous, feces, or other body fluids of an infected animal. Examples include petting
or touching animals, and bites or scratches.
4. What can you do to prevent these diseases from happening?
- Handle and prepare food safely
- Wash hand often
- Clean and disinfect commonly used surfaces
- Cough and sneeze into a tissue or sleeve
- Don’t share personal items
- Get vaccinated
- Avoid touching wild animals
- Stay homw when sick
5. How covid 19 considered a zoonotic diseases?
Since the transmission—directly or indirectly—of the virus between animals and humans, and a
reservoir—if one exists—is unknown, we argue that strictly speaking, it should not be termed a
zoonosis, but rather COVID-19 should be classified an “EID of probable animal origin.” It is evident
the virus possesses the ability to transmit between humans without requiring maintenance in a
separate reservoir species and can transmit zooanthroponotically.


mission 2

Zoonotic diseases (also known as zoonoses) are caused by germs that spread between animals
and people.

Animals provide many benefits to people. Many people interact with animals in their daily lives,
both at home and away from home. Animals provide food, fiber, livelihoods, travel, sport,
companionship, and education for people across the globe. Millions of households in the United
States have one or more pets. We might come into contact with animals in either urban or rural
settings, during travel, while visiting animal exhibits, or while enjoying outdoor activities.

However, animals can sometimes carry harmful germs that can spread to people and cause
illness – these are known as zoonotic diseases or zoonoses. Zoonotic diseases are caused by
harmful germs like viruses, bacterial, parasites, and fungi. These germs can cause many different
types of illnesses in people and animals, ranging from mild to serious illness and even death.
Animals can sometimes appear healthy even when they are carrying germs that can make
people sick, depending on the zoonotic disease.

Zoonotic diseases are very common, both in the United States and around the world. Scientists
estimate that more than 6 out of every 10 known infectious diseases in people can be spread
from animals, and 3 out of every 4 new or emerging infectious diseases in people come from
animals. Because of this, CDC works 24/7 to protect people from zoonotic diseases in the United
States and around the world.




B. make a point about your views on the state of the world during the pandemic through an analogy.


B. Differences

Rossi-forel scale, describes the intensity of an earthqauke based on its observed effects, the richter scale
describes the earthquake’s magnitude by measuring the seismic waves that cause the earthquake.


Example of earthquake

How wildlife trade is linked to covid 19.

The 2019 coronavirus evolved from a bat to a pangolin while infecting humans. That's how a virus
spreads from one animal to the next. The virus could potentially infect humans if that animal comes into
touch with or is swallowed by them. If the infection subsequently spreads to other people, an outbreak
occurs. A wet-market is a place where live animals are butchered and sold for food. Professor Peter Li is
an expert on China's animal trade. China's wet markets are well-known for offering a diverse range of
animals, including wildlife. Because of a decision taken by China's government decades ago, all of these
creatures are sold in the same market. It was largely peasant households at first, with backyard turtle
operations, for example. That's how wildlife farming got started in the first place.

A new industry was established as a result of the regulation, which "encouraged the domestication and
breeding of wildlife". Small family farms grew into large-scale operations. Designating wildlife as
"natural resources" implies that it can be used for human advantage. The business has promoted these
wildlife animals as tonics, bodybuilders, and disease fighters. None of the claims are credible.

The vast majority of Chinese people do not eat wild animals, but the wealthy and powerful are the ones
who consume wild animals. The government chose to prioritize the protection of a small minority over
the safety of the population. International organizations have urged China to make the ban permanent.


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