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The next morning , after Wong has been brought back to life, by a mysterious thrown up heart .

Wong’s wife is still in disbelief but she has more joy than anything . Forgetting about the thought
of a funeral . Wong wakes up in confusion, like nothing has happened . But his wife had a gut
feeling something was off . She has so many questions to ask him, but Wong has know clue of
what happened . His memory has faded away . He has know clue that he died, about the
demon ripping his heart out . He doesn't even remember his wife . Chen soons gets scared, so
she runs out of the house in the intention to find the filthy man that gave her the pill . She arrives
at the spot where she was beaten, and as everyone is staring at her . She looks for the
homeless man, and goes up to the people of the city asking to find him. But the people of the
city looked at her in fright. Convinced that she was crazy, the people of the town brushed her off
and walked the opposite way she was . So after she realized she wasn't going to get any
answers, she went back home to Wong . As soon as she arrives in the house, Wong jumps on
her and attacks her. She tries to fight him off, but he has more control than she does . He finally
pins her down, and takes a chunk out of her chest . Ripping her heart in the process . Wong has
killed his wife.

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