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Definition of international mobility

Based upon our research questions, we have elaborated a working definition of international
mobility for the purposes of this survey:

We are interested in academics who have experienced international mobility after they have
obtained their PhD and for academic purposes only.

We define international mobility in relation to the country where PhD has been obtained. Thus, if
you moved to another country in order to do your PhD and then stayed in that country to pursue
your academic career, you are not considered an internationally mobile academic for the purposes of
this survey. However, your mobility trajectory during your post-secondary education has been
obtained from previous questions.

We are interested in mobility experiences of at least one year. Thus, if you experienced international
stays abroad that lasted less than one year, you are not considered an internationally mobile
academic for the purposes of this survey.

It is common for academics to travel abroad to attend international conferences. However, our
research design does not focus on mobility patterns related to international conferences. Thus, even
if you attended a significant number of conferences abroad, that attendance does not meet the
criteria for an internationally mobile academic used for this survey.

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