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A Hübler is the owner of a Hufe/Hube, a farm that could feed one family, size of the farm varies by

German Hübe (Hube, Hufe) in Slovene huba; in the Middle Ages it was an area of land a farmer farmed
average size 7 to 10 hectares, just enough to feed one family. hübler - farmer halbhübler - half farm
farmer, halbhüblerin- wife of half farm farmer [Petra Leskošek Slovenian Genealogy (Genealogy2000)
slightly edited]

Hube, landed property approx. 30-45 yoke (1 yoke = 0.57 ha) in size. The term is still widely used in the
farming communities of the Alpine regions (the surnames "Huber", "Hueber" and "Huemer" are derived
from it). [Buba Mara Slovenian Genealogy (Genealogy2000) using the AEIOU English translation,
quoting AEIOU: Die Lexika der österreichischen Bundesländer]

Hube: Besitz von zirka 30-45 Joch (1 Joch = 0,57 ha). Im bäuerlichen Sprachgebrauch der Alpenländer
noch heute verbreiteter Begriff (davon auch Familiennamen wie Huber, Hueber, Huemer abgeleitet). : accessed 10 September 2021

See also,

Oxgang : accessed 10 September 2021

Hufe : accessed 10 September 2021

The abbreviation for hectare; one hectare is equal to an area of 10,000 square meters.

One hectare equals 2.47105 acres

compiled by Ric Tobin for the Slovenian Genealogy (Genealogy2000) group and the public domain
10 September 2021

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