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Outline of an Argumentative Essay

Vaccination as life expectancy

I. Introduction

A. Background: The creation of vaccines to deal with the vast majority of

viruses and emerging diseases in society has multiplied worldwide.
Economic development has generated a conflict between human beings and
nature, which has led to deaths all over the world due to the emergence of
diseases resulting from the human-nature relationship.

B. Thesis statement: The contribution of health scientists has been fundamental

in protecting much of modern civilization. Vaccines have dramatically
reduced infant mortality rates and prevented lifelong disabilities.

II. Body
A. Paragraph 1
First of all, we must understand that according to researchers, 70% of
diseases have arisen due to unsustainable intervention in nature;
deforestation, wild species illegal trafficking and others.

B. Paragraph 2
Although there are still many diseases that have not yet been controlled by
vaccines, the fact is that worldwide the rate of deaths and permanent damage
has been drastically reduced

C. Paragraph 3
Vaccination is a blessing for modern civilization, but it can no longer be the
solution to every emerging disease or virus.

III. Conclusion
To sump up, we should change the way in which we relate to nature.
Vaccination has saved many lives worldwide, but it cannot continue to be a
solution, as it affects a part of the world's population that does not have easy
access to the doses.

IV. References:

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