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1. Read chapters 179 to 193. Answer the following questions taking notes.

Be ready to
report to your classmates.
2. Explain what you think the key elements are (choose 3 different ideas). Justify your
 Conway’s soldiers:
Feeling sick from the crowded and smelly tunnel, C sits down outside a cafe and does a
problem called “Conway’s soldiers” to calm himself down. It involves jumping over colored
tiles into a chess board that stretches in all directions.
 Autonomy/Independence:
Christopher is autonomous and can live alone, he is independent, he doesn’t seem
preoccupied (but he probably is), this moment is important because it is the first time that
we can C coping with the situation.
 Constellation:
C finds them silly because we could link any stars together and make up constellations.
There isn’t any scientific base; also, there aren’t any real lines in space. These elements
proves that Christopher have a lot of imagination because he can see many forms in only
one constellation.
 Astronaut:
Being an astronaut is complicated and Christopher really wants to be an astronaut but in
chapter 179, he realizes that he won’t be able to because one of his fears is to be far from
home, so being on another planet is too much for him.
 Toby:
Toby is Christopher’s rat, and it is a domestic rat. He decided to give it to Miss Alexander
because he can’t take it with him to London to see his mom. He doesn’t want to abandon
his pet, that’s why Miss Alexander is an option, but she doesn’t understand why
Christopher must go to London so he will reveal the truth about his mom and his dad. To
finish, he will take it to the train station with him. He likes his rat, and he wants it to be
safe. Maybe Toby is Christopher’s best friend?
 New places:
C doesn’t like new places because of his habit of remembering everything. When he sees a
new place, he has too many elements to identify, and it can make him feel bad. If he arrives
in an unknown environment, his mind freezes while processing the information, like a
 C’s escape:
C discovers the letter of his mother in which he learns she is still alive. He will also discover
that his father killed Wellington. He will decide to go to London and to join his mother, to
escape from his father because he is afraid of him. He will escape by train while his father is
looking for him everywhere.

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