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Pt 1 .

Hello my name is Alelia Sanders i am an freshman from North Carolina , Majoring in Clinical
Laboratory Science. I Plan on minoring in communications and photography. I am looking to
excel as a writer while in class and in college. I plan on just doing good by my mother and
making her proud by being the best me I can be. I am not looking forward to covid messing up
anything for myself only because when it comes to school and college I prefer to be face to face
in all classrooms. So I'm not looking forward to having classes online . Anything I would want
anyone to know about me would be that I am a very independent person . I prefer to do a lot of
things alone but I do not mind working along with people . I try to stay very active and busy .
Because of the fact that I do a lot I am very determined on getting what I want and because of
my home life my work ethic is very very high. As a writer I love to put my heart into writing. I love
to give my opinion, the facts, the details, and everything in between. I love to write as a stress
reliever. I love the idea of being able to write out and speak my mind on a topic. Writing for me
is a big outlet and I love to do it.

The type of writer I am is very passionate. I love to put detail into my writing so that other
readers can have a big look from my perspective . I love for the readers to have to see my side
of the story but then the facts as well.

To All of my peers I love writing but in general I love being an outlet and finding outlets. I love
just going out and having a good time. I would love to connect with you all and help create a
stress free college experience for us all. One thing entertaining for me is I love to play sports
and watch sports being played. I am a big supporter of sports, whether I am on the court or off
the court. One thing I love people to know about me is I have an identical twin sister and we go
to different colleges.

Pt 2.

The importance of me as a writer to have a perspective on writing. To have the writer

actually have meaning behind it. And when writing I love when there is a specific topic and you
can write on and on about it. I love it when there are so many scenarios that can initiate the
initial writing. Personally I write all the time when it comes to me writing in a diary everyday to
express myself and my feelings that happen throughout the day. And it has been a counting
aspect for me when it comes to writing for years now.

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