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According to Rumiyati & Seftika (2018) in her study about students’ anxiety of speaking

English in EFL class, Speaking anxiety reminds as a common problem faced by students in EFL
class. The students’ speaking anxiety are caused by many factors, such as fear of making
mistakes, lack in vocabulary, and lack in pronunciation. It has correlation and affect each other in
terms of speaking English. Students’ often afraid to commit grammatical mistakes, so they prefer
to be silent during the learning process and waiting for the teacher’s clarification or detail
explanation about the material rather than trying to convey their own ideas through speaking.
Reffering to Suciati (2020), one personal factor that has a correlation to students’ anxiety is self-
confidence which includes students’ performance. When students lack of confident, means they
will not be able to speak or deliver something bravely. It can be happened because students
consider that they have limited ability in using the target language. Related to the case, even
when the teacher already provided great material in the form of video, it will not impact
students’ braveness to speak because the encouragement to speak up is naturally coming within
themselves. However, to overcome this problem, appropriate teaching method or technique can
be used to promote students’ braveness in speaking and relieve their anxiety in speaking.

Rumiyati, R., & Seftika, S. (2018). Anxiety of Speaking English in English Foreign Language
(Efl) Class. Journal of English Education, Literature and Linguistics, 1(1), 276591.
Suciati, S. (2020). Speaking Anxiety in Efl Classroom: Categories and Factors. Edulingua:
Jurnal Linguistiks Terapan Dan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, 7(1).

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