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I’m happy that I’ve made the decision to continue my education. Looking forward to
my son’s future is very important to me. I want him to know that he can do and go
anywhere in life, all you need is a plan and follow it through. The feeling of
fulfillment, having accomplished what you set out to do is wonderful. Where do I see
myself in five years I have many dreams and goals in my life. I had aspirations of
being a doctor something I had wanted to be since I was a child. But I realize that
there are so many other steps I need to take in order to achieve these so called goals.
This includes graduating from college and finding that perfect job. My expectations in
five years are that I see myself well educated and living my life to the fullest with my
son. Now seems to be the time to start taking life seriously and making responsible
and educated choices. I will teach my children the good manners and right conduct
and I will give him/her all thei needs, and this is i want when I’m going father soon.

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