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“Position Paper”

Embolode, Christian

Among all section mentioned in the HNRDA , I would say that the most important

one is the section IV which is the “Industry , Energy and Emerging Technology

Research and Development Agenda”. Before we dig deeper let me just express that all

sections are important, they are all interrelated but when it comes to voluminous impact

or the contribution towards nation building I would say indeed it is section IV because all

transactions or work without efficient energy is useless. A nation must need to have an

energy to do the necessary things on time. As we looked Ilocos we can see that they

have a beautiful fruit of research when it comes to energy. They are the first region who

used windmill so, by that shortage of energy is no more a problem and take note the

technology we used today is dependent on the energy cause it will only function by the

used of electricity.

If there’s an energy of course technology will always follow. For us to have a

productive country we must also have an emerging technology. As we lived in this

modern world we need high technology to sustain our daily needs when it comes to time

efficiency, Technology has also a big contributions to nation building in the sense of

convenient and hastle free work. What we need today is something that would sustain

the tremendous demand of the people and I could say that technology has a bigger role

in addressing to the said demand.

Most importantly, if we have an updated technology and efficient energy the

nation will rise and all departments in the government would also attain an effective
working culture. With proper governance accompanied by hard work and devotion a

prosperous nation is very possible .

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