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WBL Journal #4

Directions:  Write a reflection for each of the questions/statements posted below. Answers must be
typed in complete sentences with correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation and grammar.

Entries can include activities, training, observations, instructions, personal notes, etc. You can include
things that you saw and did and what equipment and technology was used.  Your responses may be
shared with your mentor.  Please be complete in your reflections/thoughts/answers.

Part 1: How well do you feel you manage your time (work, school, social)? What are some strategies you
use to effectively manage your time? What strategies could you use to better manage your time?
I feel like I could have put more time into the work-based learning class because I started falling back in
only this class because I didn’t make time for the class. I felt like socially I didn’t have that much time
besides a football game here or a basketball game there. Work took most of my time so some of my
work seemed rushed.

Part 2: Explain one time you managed your time well and one time you managed your time ineffectively.
What did you learn from each of those situations?
I learned how to manage my time more efficiently throughout the year like when given AP Language Ars
projects I would prioritize those and do my math at school during class. One time I didn’t manage my
time very well was during the beginning of the year when I was just starting my job and didn’t realize
just how much work it was going to take to have a job and manage school. I started to slack off because I
didn’t realize how much extra time I was going to have to make for school and my job and lacrosse.

Part 3: How do you spend your time at work (give examples of tasks and the amount of time you spend
on them)? How have do you manage your time at work in order to complete your duties and

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