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WW3 Finals Assignment #4- M5U4

Module 1 - Unit 1

1) What is a SOP?

-SOP is the the inflexible, step by step listing of the actions that must be completed for any given

2) Apart from passwords and PII, what other type(s) of confidential information should be
governed by classification and handling procedures?

-The other type of confidential information that should be governed by classification and
handling procedures is the Customer Information because is a valid personal information of
people and if it is not governed there will be breach of information.

3) Why might a company ban use of the corporate network and desktop software for personal

-Company bans the use of corporate network and desktop software for personal communication
because of data security.

4) What two main privacy issues arise from using a social networking site?

-The two main privacy issues arise from using a social networking site are the personal
Identifiable information and the identity theft.

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