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Name: Angel Fayth A.


Culture of Corruption

Corruption is one of the most serious problems that any country has ever faced, as it is at
the root of a slew of other issues. Corruption can exist at various levels in our society. Corruption
can vary from minor favors between a small group of people to corruption that impacts the
government on a large scale, and corruption that is so pervasive that it's part of the overall
process of community, but Political Corruption is the most familiar kind that most of us feel its
greater impact. Political Corruption can be considered as the worst because corrupt government
impacted every citizen in which they partake in. The money stolen by the government belongs to
the people, as do the funds used for the development of our country, and without it, our economy
and citizens suffer greatly as a result of this immoral act. As citizens, we struggled with selecting
the right candidate to be our leader because words cannot be trusted and one wrong choice could
indeed severely damage our country. Politicians must be true to their words and stop causing
people to suffer in order to obtain something they should not have. People must also cooperate
and exercise discipline in order to help one another and cooperate with our government's
decisions if they are for the betterment of our future. Corruption can be stopped if people learn to
work together, think about others, and stop being selfish.

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