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Paper No 1




A. Ounce : Unit

B. Splinter : Wood

C. Water : Bucket

D. Twine : Rope

E. Cream : Butter

Given Answer: Correct Answer B


Just as a crumb is a fragment of bread, a splinter is a fragment of wood.

ounce : a unit of weight

twine : a strong thread or string composed of two

rope: a strong, thick line or cord, commonly composed of twisted threads

bucket: a deep, cylindrical vessel, usually of metal, plastic, or wood, with a flat bottom and a
semicircular bail, for collecting, carrying



A. Disembarks : Airplane

B. Enters : Account Book

C. Gets On : Bus

D. Refuses : Time

E. Hopes : Fear

Given Answer: Correct Answer C


The relationship between boards and rowboat is the same as the relationship between gets on and bus.

gets on : to receive or come to have possession, use

Disembarks: to unload (passengers or goods) from a ship, aircraft, etc.



A. Sunlight : Daylight

B. Ray : Sun

C. Night : Moon

D. Heat : Cold

E. Moon : Star

Given Answer: Correct Answer C


The question above is read DAY is to SUN as? and the answer is (C), night is to moon because the words
in that pair bear the same relationship to each other as the words in the capitalized pair. Day is when
the sun appears, just as night is when the moon appears.



A. Prison : Bars

B. Assembly : Speaker

C. Troupe : Actors

D. Mountain : Peak

E. Flock : Shepherds

Given Answer: Correct Answer C


A constellation is made up of stars.

A troupe (not troop but troupe) is made up of actors.

Shepherd: a person who herds and takes care of sheep.

Flock :a number of animals of one kind, especially sheep, goats



A. Porter : Terminal

B. Writer : Plagiarism

C. Coach : Team

D. Painter : Mural

E. Doctor : Stethoscope

Given Answer: Correct Answer D


A composer creates a symphony. A mural is a picture painted on a wall by a painter. Symphony:

harmony of sounds, esp. of instruments Plagiarism: an idea, plot, etc. that has been plagiarized

symphony:an instrumental piece, often in several movements, forming the overture to an opera

porter :a person hired to carry burdens or baggage, as at a railroad station or a hotel.

terminal:situated at or forming the end or extremity of something: a terminal feature of a vista.

plagiarism:something used and represented in this manner.

stethoscope:an instrument used in auscultation to convey sounds in the chest or other parts of the body
to the ear of the examiner.


A. Parch : Soil

B. Bury: Earth

C. Suffocate : Air

D. Disperse : Gas

E. Extinguish : Fire

Given Answer: Correct Answer B


Submerge: to place under or cover with water or the like; plunge into water, inundate, etc.

Parch: to expose (corn, peas, etc.) to great heat so as to dry or roast slightly

Extinguish: to put out (a fire, etc.); quench; smother,to put an end to; destroy or cause to die out

Suffocate: to kill by preventing the access of air to the blood through the lungs



A. Tax

B. Incur

C. Estimate

D. Humiliate

Given Answer: Correct Answer D


The Best Answer is D.

ABASE: to humble or humiliate ,to lower; cast down

Incur: to come into or acquire (something undesirable), to become subject to through one‘s own

Estimate: to form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding the worth, amount, size, weight
Humiliate: to cause (a person) a painful loss of pride



A. Give Aid

B. Lessen

C. To Degrade

D. Afford

Given Answer: Correct Answer B


The Best Answer is B.

ABATE: to make less in amount, degree, force, to deduct

Lessen: to become less

Degrade: to lower in dignity or estimation; bring into contempt

Afford: to be able to do, manage, or bear without serious consequence or adverse effect



A. Deviation

B. Anecdote

C. Absence

D. Dislike

Given Answer: Correct Answer A


The Best Answer is A.

ABERRATION: a departure from what is right, true, correct, a deviation from the normal

Deviation: departure from a standard or norm

Anecdote: little-known, entertaining facts of history or biography

Absence: state of being away or not being present

Dislike: to regard with displeasure, antipathy



A. Evade

B. Conceive

C. Protect

D. Encourage

Given Answer: Correct Answer D


The Best Answer is D.

ABET: to incite, sanction, or help

Evade: to escape from by trickery or cleverness

Conceive: to become pregnant with; cause to begin life

Protect:to defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss

Encourage: to inspire with courage, spirit



A. Costly

B. Volatile

C. Bitter
D. Provocative

Given Answer: Correct Answer C


The Best Answer is C.

ACRIMONIOUS: bitter and caustic in temper, manner, or speech

Costly: expensive; high in price

Volatile: evaporating rapidly; passing off readily in the form of vapor

Bitter: having a harsh, disagreeably acrid taste

Provocative: Provocative



A. Adaptation

B. Keen Interested

C. Storm, S End

D. Decline

Given Answer: Correct Answer A


The Best Answer is A.

ACCLIMATION: to accustom or become accustomed to a different climate

Adaptation: an adapting or being adapted

Storm: a disturbance of the normal condition of the atmosphere

Decline: to bend, turn, or slope downward or aside



A. Torpid

B. Sever – Right

C. Protract

D. Dovetail

E. Limn

Given Answer: Correct Answer B


The best answer is B.

To Splice is to knit together. To Sever is to do the opposite and therefore it is the antonym.

To Dovetail is a synonym.

Torpid is dormant.

To Protract is to prolong.

To Limn is to portray, to paint.



A. Disdainful

B. Epicurean

C. Poignant

D. Ragamuffin

E. Subservient – Right

Given Answer: Correct Answer E

The best answer is E.

Haughty means arrogant overly proud. Subservient is the antonym.

Disdainful is a synonym.

Epicurean means devoted to pleasure.

Poignant means deeply moving.

Ragamuffin is an often-disreputable person.



A. Reproach

B. Slake

C. Chaste – Right

D. Obfuscate

E. Gush

Given Answer: Correct Answer C


The best answer is C.

Profligate means wicked. The antonym is Chaste that means modest and unaffected.

To Reproach is to blame.

To Slake is to satisfy a desire.

To Obfuscate is to confuse.

To Gush means to burst out suddenly.


A. Phlegmatic

B. Grandiloquent

C. Ineffable

D. Mince

E. Pellucid

Given Answer: Correct Answer A


The best answer is A.

Fervent means earnest passionate. The antonym is Phlegmatic – cold hearted.

Grandiloquent is someone using pompous words.

Ineffable is too great to be described in words.

To Mince is to pronounce or speak affectedly.

Pellucid means transparent, easy to understand



A. Occult

B. Mundane – Right

C. Maverick

D. Inimical

E. Frantic

Given Answer: Correct Answer B


The best answer is B.

Preternatural means supernatural. The antonym is Mundane – worldly.

Occult is a synonym.

A Maverick is a nonconformist.

Inimical is harmful.

Frantic is wildly excited with joy.



A. Forte –Right

B. Fulmination

C. Edacious

D. Covetous

E. Vigorous

Given Answer: E Correct Answer A


The best answer is A.

Foible means fault. Forte is the antonym.

Fulmination means bitter protest.

Edacious means devouring.

Covetous means eagerly desiring.

Vigorous means strong, energetic.



A. Appreciable – Right

B. Nugatory
C. Veer

D. Salutary

E. Sedulous

Given Answer: Correct Answer A


The best answer is A.

Trifling means unimportant. Appreciable is the antonym.

Nugatory is a synonym.

To Veer is to change direction.

Salutary means causing improvement.

Sedulous is persistent.

Sentence Completion

Money ________ to a political campaign should be used for political purposes and nothing else.

A. Used

B. Forwarded

C. Contributed

D. Spent

E. Channeled

Given Answer: Correct Answer C


How would you fill in the blank? Maybe with the word given or donated? Now look at the choices and
find a synonym for given or donated: The best choice is C contributed; it is the nearest synonym to given
or donated and makes good sense in the sentence.

Channeled: the proper or official course of transmission of communications


Physicists rejected the innovative experimental technique because, although it________ some
problems, it also produced new ________ .

A. Clarified.......Data

B. Eased.......Interpretations

C. Resolved.......Complications

D. Caused.......Hypotheses

E. Revealed........Inconsistencies

Given Answer: Correct Answer C


Although a technique "resolved" some problems, it might still be rejected because it produced new

Innovative: to introduce new methods, devices, etc

Hypotheses: an unproved theory, proposition, supposition, etc


The selection committee for the exhibit was amazed to see such fine work done by a mere_______ .

A. Connoisseur

B. Artist

C. Amateur

D. Entrepreneur

E. Exhibitionist

Given Answer: Correct Answer C

Mere: nothing more or other than; only (as said to be) !a mere boy"

Connoisseur : a person who has expert knowledge and keen discrimination in some field, esp. in the
fine arts or in matters of taste

Amateur : a person who engages in some art, science, sport, etc. for the pleasure of it rather than
for money; a nonprofessional

Entrepreneur: a person who organizes and manages a business undertaking, assuming the risk for the
sake of the profit


Many hours of practice are required of a successful musician, so it is often not so much ______ as
_______ that distinguishes the professional from the amateur.

A. Genius ....... Understanding

B. Money ....... Education

C. Talent ....... Discipline

D. Fortitude ....... Mediocrity

E. Technique ....... Pomposity

Given Answer: Correct Answer C


How do you know this? The sentence gives you a clue. The "not so much…as…" lets you know that there
is some kind of contrast here. Choices (B) and (C) both show a contrast, but choice (C) is the only one
that makes sense in the sentence.

Amateur: a person who does something without professional skill

Mediocrity: mediocre ability or attainment

Pomposity: the quality of being pompous; ostentation; self-importance


In view of the extenuating circumstances and the defendant’s youth, the judge recommended
A. Conviction

B. A Defense

C. A Mistrial

D. Leniency

E. Life Imprisonment

Given Answer: Correct Answer D


Extenuating : to lessen or seem to lessen the seriousness of (an offense, guilt, etc.)

Conviction : the act of convincing

Mistrial : a prejudicial error in the proceedings or lack of jurisdiction by the court


Medieval kingdoms did not become constitutional republics overnight; on the contrary, the change was
_______ .

A. Unpopular

B. Unexpected

C. Advantageous

D. Sufficient

E. Gradual

Given Answer: Correct Answer E


The first part of the sentence says that the kingdoms did not change overnight. The second part begins
with on the contrary and explains the change. So the correct answer will be a word that describes a
change that is contrary to an overnight change. Gradual change is contrary to overnight change.

Advantageous: resulting in advantage; favorable; profitable

Although it was not apparent at the time, in _______ we can see how Miles Davis performances in the
1970s were ______ by what was happening then in popular music.

A. Retrospect.......Influenced

B. Effect.......Modified

C. Fact.......Unchanged

D. Foresight.......Endangered

E. Time.......Engendered

Given Answer: Correct Answer A


The best choice is A. After reading the sentence, you may decide that the phrase not apparent at the
time would suggest looking back for the first blank and that the second word needs to be affected. You
could read the sentence "Although it was not apparent at the time, in looking back we can see how
Miles Davis’ performances in the 1970s were affected by what was happening then in popular music."
Now, looking for synonyms for looking back and affected gives you choice A retrospect .. influenced.

Retrospect: a looking back on or thinking about things pastl

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