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Dear Dimitar,

Looking back at the start of the year when you first came into the classroom you were rather
timid since this was a completely new environment for you. However, especially now at the end of
the second term I am happy to say you settled quite well in the class and overtime have become a
lot more sociable with your fellow students.
As for your academic abilities I am happy to see that eventually you started believing more
and more in your own abilities and became more confident. You are able to use the language
without any problem and are knowledgeable on many topics. When it comes to exam you need to
remember that when you relax and take a step back you re-asses the situation you will perform so
much better. Although you sometimes needed a little motivation to participate in class, you did well
once you warmed up to the lesson. Both in your written work and oral assignments you have
started incorporating more of the phrases I taught you in class, which is fantastic.
For the upcoming exam I have complete faith that you will do well. As long as you revise
and sty focus on the task you will do great. Whatever you do and wherever you end up going in the
future, never forget to trust in your own abilities and inner strength.
It has been a pleasure having you in my class. Good luck and godspeed.

Sincerely Yours,

Mr. Arman

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