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Focus on collaboration, not on competition

What happened that made everything in education a competition?
Why are schools, teachers, and others in this work, turning this into a
Teachers need to push for collaboration in education. When students
compete and do not collaborate, they suffer. The end goal gets lost in
the competition because the focus moves off of wining for students
but on defeating someone else. Collaboration is about removing ego,
and it is about removing the “me” mentality. Collaboration is about
“we.” There is an African proverb that says if you want to go fast, go
alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

2. Remove standardized tests.

Standardized tests are the worst possible way of evaluating students.
There is no way that a piece of paper with 20 questions would
determine how smart is a student. Also the grading system, which
makes most students feel scared to even come to school, knowing
that if they forget a subject they learned a month ago, they will get a
bad grade, get punished by their parents and get their annual average
grade ruined, which will further make them unable to go to
university. work or anywhere else. All of this just because they
couldn't fill a paper.

3. Make things interesting to be learned

Yes, there are some exceptions, but most teachers don't even try to
make a subject interesting for the students. They teach for decades,
not changing a single thing about the way they teach. Just straight
telling them info on the subject, making them write it in their
notebook, show an example on the chalkboard and give them a test
paper the next lesson, that's it. There are so many ways to improve
the quality of the lesson, for example: incorporating a bit of comedy
and mystery into the lessons, not repeating the classroom material,
creating classroom games, giving students choices, using
technology, making the lessons interactive, relating material to the
students' lives or just stop taking teaching so seriously. And these are
just a few ideas coming from a single student.

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