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In Poland For
Indian Students
List For 2022 Intakes
Poland is coming out to be a popular destination for international higher education amongst students for the fact that the country has quite a lot
to offer. One of the most important factors while choosing a country to study in is that the country is economically stable, and that is exactly what
Poland is. During the global economic crisis in 2008 when the world’s corporations were on the verge of bankruptcy, the only country in Europe
that reported financial stability was Poland.

The country is also growing rapidly in terms of economy, academics, industry, and much more. This growth will also lead to many new and fresh
work as well as career opportunities for students who go to study there. On top of this, Poland also offers students a proper European experience
with its rich history and culture as well as due to it being part of the European Union.

Poland is also home to a vast number of students. According to recent statistics, over a million students study in Poland, out of which around
57000 are international students. This points to the fact that the country is a popular and high-quality study destination.

In this blog, we want to elaborate on which universities study abroad aspirants can choose to attend in the country and the benefits of studying
in them and in Poland.
Benefits of Studying in Poland

1. High Quality Learning

Education has a long and impactful history in Poland. One of the oldest educational institutions in the world and Poland’s first university; The
Krakow academy, was opened in 1364. This means that it is more than 650 years old.

The country offers world class education that is reputed not only around Europe but also around the world. The proof lies in the fact that the
country’s higher education system caters to more than a million students. Poland’s colleges and universities are top rated as well and also house
state of the art research laboratories. This all points to the fact that the country offers high quality learning.

2. Perfect for A Student’s Budget

One of the biggest benefits of studying in Poland is that the journey will not render students in immense debt. Living costs and tuitions in the
country are relatively low and affordable. The average cost of studying in Poland is almost 2 times lower than western European countries.

Shared rooms are available for around $80 per month, Dormitories for $60, and cafeteria lunch for just $2. This is due to the fact that even though
earnings may not be high in the country, the cost of living is also low.

Total costs for students can be as low as 4500 euros or as high as 9000 euro. This range is much cheaper than most other countries in the world.
3. Work While You Learn
Poland offers excellent options for students who wish to work and earn while studying. This coupled with the low cost of living will make student’s
finances less of a worry.

As long as international students are enrolled in a Polish institution, they have the right to work in the country. During the academic year, students
are allowed a maximum of 20 hours/week. During the holiday period of 3 months, they are allowed full time work, aka 40 hours/week.

4. A Chance to Experience Poland

Student life can be quite vibrant in the country. With so many students in the country student festivals, concerts, events, and more are becoming
more and more common and frequent.

Students also have the opportunity to experience all that Poland has to offer. The country has an enriching culture due to the fact that it is situated
in the place in the world where the west meets the east. This leads to chance to experience both types of cultures and many different types of ar-
chitecture, arts and cuisine.

The cities in Poland are historical, magical and a fantastic mixture of times gone by and the times to come. One can find old churches, castles, and
more mixed together with new and modern building in many Polish cities. The country also has a wonderful history that is both visible physically
and also worth knowing & learning.
List of Universities in Poland
The following is a list of universities in Poland that offer high quality learning opportunities and are ideal for students who want to choose the
country as their study abroad destination:

• Warsaw Management University (WMU/WSM)

• Silesian University of Technology (SUT)
• Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST)
• University of Euroregional Economy (WSGE)
• Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)
• Olsztyn University
• Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (WULS)
• Cracow University of Technology (CUT)
• Polish Japanese Academy of Information and Technology
• Lublin University of Technology (LUT)
• University of Economics in Katowice
• Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW
• Vincent Pol
• University of Life Science in Lublin
• SGH University
• Poznan University of Technology
In Poland, Higher Education Institutions or HEIs are divided into 2 types: Public and Private. Both types of HEIs in turn are controlled, audited and
evaluated by the Polish Accreditation Committee aka Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna [PKA].

The PKA is an independent statutory body that was established by the Higher Education Act. It evaluates universities and carries out quality
assessments. PKA’s opinions and resolutions have a legally binding effect unlike other accreditations.

HEIs can opt and apply for other optional accreditations but they will not have a legally binding effect like the PKA.

Other than these accreditations. Polish universities are also ranked and evaluated by different international university rankings like:

• QS World University Rankings created by TopUniversities

• World University Rankings created by Times Higher Education
• Academic Ranking of World Universities created by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
• Best Global Universities Rankings created by U.S. News & World Report
Intakes for 2022
An intake is that time of the year when a semester of a universities starts. Most countries have 2 main intakes in a year, which is also the case with
Poland. The country has 2 intakes; Spring & Fall.

Spring Intake:
• This starts in February until July or August.
• Students should start preparing from as early as 9 to 10 months before the various deadline dates, as deadlines vary greatly depending on
• Students should appear for required standardized exams early as they may need to be taken again and students should also shortlist and
apply to 7 – 8 universities.

Fall Intake:
• This intake starts in September or October until February or March.
• Deadlines vary greatly depending on universities, but are generally around the months of December of the year before or January of the
same year, hence students should start preparing a plan from as early the start of the year before.
• Students should appear for required standardized exams early as they may need to be taken again and students should also shortlist and
apply to 7 – 8 universities.
• Applications should start by August.
Why Choose Edugo Abroad For Studying In Poland?
Edugo Abroad is a pioneer of Polish Education in India. We have a long-standing & close relationship with top universities in Poland. We can also
proudly announce that Edugo Abroad is responsible for over 5000+ students successfully studying in Poland.

For over 5+ years, we at Edugo Abroad have been the best, oldest, and go-to place for Indian students who want to attend a university in Poland
and study there. Not only do we make sure that you will choose the best university but we also ensure our guidance and help through the entire
process until students attain their study visa & accommodations.

We work exclusively with Top Polish Universities which lets students apply to universities directly, without the need for a middleman. As a pioneer
of Polish Education in India, we are also the only consultant company to hold a Poland Fair in cities including Ahmedabad, Baroda, and more. Over
26 Polish universities were present to interact with during the fair.

To obtain a visa to study in the country, students have to apply through VFS. At Edugo Abroad, we take care of the entire application process, from
procuring application ate, to funding requirements. We also thoroughly follow the checklist for VFS to ensure an effective and efficient process.
Watch the following video to get the full information on
How to apply for Poland VFS date:
Edugo Abroad also guides students through preparing for the visa interview and helps them crack it. Watch the following video on

How to crack Poland visa interview:

In all, Poland is worth considering as a study abroad destination. If students wish to apply to Poland, they can apply with us at Edugo Abroad. We
stand ready to guide you from the start to the finish and answer all your queries no matter how small.

Study in Poland during 2022, apply with Edugo Abroad now!

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