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Delmo, Arlance S.

I. Social Dances Position and Holds
1. Back Cross Position
2. Butterfly Position
3. Closed Position
4. Conversation Position
5. Couple Position
6. Escort Position
7. Facing Position
8. Left Reverse Open Position
9. Open Position
10. Promenade Position
11. Reverse Varsovienne Position
12. Reverse Open Position
13. Right Reverse Position
14. Shoulder Waist Position
15. Star Position
16. Swing Out Position
17. Varsovienne Position
18. Wrap Position
II. Values of Ballroom Dancing
Personal Values -
Develop grace and poise.
Help to break down excessive reserve and shyness.
Allow meeting new friends and developing mutual respect.
Provide the challenge of learning steps and executing them successfully to
musical accompaniment.
Physical Values - Help improve neuromuscular coordination, balance, rhythm, and grace.
- Offer moderate form of exercise without strain and danger of injury.
- Encourage individuals to dress neatly and appropriately
Social Values - Provide an excellent way to find new friends.
- Provide a constructive and healthy answer to a leisure time dilemma.
- Provide a means to develop appropriate social behavior, good etiquette,
and thoughtful consideration for others.
- Walk - Slide
- Run - Leap
- Hop - Turn
- Skip - Sway
- Samba
- Mambo
- Jive
- Bolero
- Swing
- Paso Doble

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