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Liyan kaawach 201600764

Assessing the perception on LGBT community in Lebanon
What are the factors contributing to discrimination and
disparities against the LGBTQ community in Lebanon?It must be
a statement

Perception of Homosexualitydelete
1. From a personal perspective, do you consider homosexuality acceptable in society?
 Yes40%
 No60%
2. What are the main reasons behind your rejection of the LGBT community in Lebanon?
 I don’t reject the idea30%
 Religious Beliefs40%
 Cultural Values20%
 Divergence from the norm10%
3. HowWhat factor helps you identify a member from the LGBT community?
 Speech10%
 Dress code30%
 Hair30%
 Facial and body expressions30%
4. Do you believe it is acceptable to marginalize or oppress people based on their sexual
 Yes30%
 No70%
 Neverdelete

Assessing Stereotypes delete

5. If you were homosexual, who would you come out to first? No conditional question,
only factual
 Mother
 Father
 Sister
 Brother
 Best Friend
 Friendship Group
 Internet Friend
 Stranger
6. Is your friendship group
 Mostly LGBT 10%
 Mainly the opposite gender to yourself 20%
 Mixed Genders 30%
 Mostly Straight 40%
 Mixed LGBT/ Straight same as the third choice
7. WhatHow would your categories the representation of LGBT in the media (TV,
Magazines etc.)?
 Stereotypical 30%
 Realistic 30%
 Unfair 40%

8. Do you think it’s important to have celebrity LGBT role models?

 Yes 40%
 No 60%

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