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Name : Martha Herthin Hia (011811032)

Class : Nursing Class 2018

Subject : International Health Care System (IHCS)
Lecturer : Mrs. Clara Putriardhita

Health care system in Kuwait

The health care system has been organized around the provision of primary health care, and
health care clinics are the primary entry point into the health care system, designed to reach
all sectors of the population. Combined clinics offer primary care and specialty clinics. The
number of hospitals has more than doubled over the past 10 years. The emphasis is on
curative care. Western medicine was highly regarded, and campaigns for vaccines and
vaccinations were very successful. The country has one of the most modern healthcare
Infrastructure, distributed among primary health care centres, six general hospitals and the
national number of specialized hospitals and clinics. Government Hospitals per region:
1. Ahmadiyya Governorate: Adan Hospital
2. Al – Asimah Governorate: Amiri Hospital
3. Farwaniya Governorate: Farwaniya Hospital
4. Hawalli Governorate: Mubarak Hospital
5. Jahra Province: Jahra Hospital
6. Mubarak Al Kabir Governorate: new governorate

Kuwait is also one of the countries that provides free medical treatment for its people, the
same as in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia if this country prioritizes the quality of its health
services for its entire population and also guarantees health facilities that will be obtained by
every resident, for example free services for special cases or diseases. : such as tuberculosis
and Covid 19. However, the difference in Kuwait Hospital is that its administrative services
still use paper or records for all medical personnel, not as sophisticated as in Saudi Arabia.
And Kuwait, one of the Middle Eastern countries with a majority Muslim population, is part
of the goal of placing Indonesian workers who maintain good relations in placing Indonesian
nurses to work in the country. Indonesian nurses working in Kuwait are able to improve the
welfare of their lives and careers there.

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