Do You Like The Song

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*Do you like the song ‘Imagine’? Why or why not?

R/ yes, the song I like it by its message of peace and love

* Do you think there will ever be peace? How?

R/ I think that the peace can be possible in far future when the people understand
that the differences are not a reason to attack each other

Imagine there’s no heaven

It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today.

*Do you believe in heaven and hell?

Yes, I believe in heaven and hell.
* Some people say this song is blasphemous. Do you agree?
I am disagree because for me the song is only a different way to see thing, a
different form to give the message of unity and solidarity that all the people need
*Would we be more or less moral if we lived only for today (without thinking of
future reward or punishment: heaven or hell)?
R/ I think that the things would be the same because in the end be aware be our
actions is accept that have consequences more there a things like heaven of hell.

Imagine there’s no countries

It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for

*What do you think this means?

R/ I think that john Lennon here is criticism the extreme nationalism and the
xenophobia, and all the damage that the fanaticism of this ideology did to the world
*Would you describe yourself firsly as a citizen of Colombia or a citizen of the
world? Explain your answer.
R/ I describe myself like a citizen of the world because for my the nationalism is not
very relevant, and I see more like a person that enjoy understand all the cultures
and perspective and not only one

*What would the world be like if there were only one world government?
R/ I think that can be a total disaster o something very good everything would
depend on that what would be the distribution of power

*What if there were no governments?

R/ I think that if there not government, the earth would be a complete chaos
because th government is necessary to maintain the order to big scale, of course
this referring to a competent.

*If there were ‘no countries’, would wars still happen?

R/ unfortunately I think that yes, the persons concentrates more in their
differences that their similitudes and although there would be no countries the
people find other thing to fight for like religion, color skin, and other things , in the
end the history proof this.

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