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1. Introduction to the event – 2 minutes.


Intro hosts –

This is that day of the year when recall in our hearts to find the love for our country. And amazing leader
of our country who lead the country light. To get us as a nation where we are here today.

74th Independence day celebration are usually personal in tri-colours and dressed up. Because of this
situation we are glad to have this virtual celebration. We are happy get together on this awesome day.

**Collage - Slide 3 – 8

In this situation, our team has together in respective colors to Celebration the nation.

Team Blue – Proactive

Team Orange - NOI

Team White – Appeals

Team Green – Non Infringement

Happy Independence Day Wishes!

Pradeep –

Small intro to the video 30 seconds –

We all know how diverse our peer group is in amazon. And the country we are in. No different is our RA
family, dedicating this day to the diversity and inclusion in amazon. Our team has put together a special
short video wishing you all on this occasion. Let’s take a look.

**Plays video**
Cultural D&I Video – 1:45 seconds


Intro to Quiz –

What do you recall upon hearing Independence Day celebration? PM’s speech? Tri- color, flags, - ladoos?

We might not have ladoos now. But, we have a better deal that we can use right now. Gift cards – GCs.

But, we have catch here. We have couple of questions about our country. And we want you to answers.
Fastest one to get the answers correct. Would receive a GC – of 200. Type the answers the in the
chat box. To start with right now. Ques 1:

2 questions from quiz (reward, explain the quiz) 5 minutes.

** Disha

Cultural activity -
1. Intro for the performance – theme patriotism – 1.5 minutes
What is the song which comes to your mind when you think of patriotism?? You’re getting GCs
for this question. We have Aakriti and Diprajit to share with us the songs by singing them for us.

Thank you Aakriti and Diprajit.

- Question time -
2 questions 1:30 minutes - *** reads questions from Slides. **

2. Intro to Leadership – connect with Ranjith on what he wants to discuss 5 minutes
Next segment for the day, we have our energetic leader with us. Ranjit, [with army background].
Would like to request to address the team.

Thanks Ranjit - ** Impromptu lines based on content**

Thank you for all real heroes! Doctors, nurses, front line workers, importantly our families for supporting
us endlessly in this situation – COVID 19
Disha -
Question time -
3. 2 questions 1:30 minutes

We have HR BP for RA Preeti Kerni with us today. Requesting to address the team.

Final round of quiz. Final 2 GCs. Fastest fingers gets them.
4. 2 questions 1:30 minutes


5. Closing note.
For all the amazing peers who answered the questions correctly, exhibited enthuastic participation.
We’ve decided to bump up the GC amount up to 500. So, Congratulations to the winners!

With that we come to conclusion of this amazing virtual celebration

Thank you the organizing team behind, & to all the team for joining the celebration!
Hope you guys enjoyed the session. See you all at yet another event. Stay safe! Take care!

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