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Task 9-Final task: Describing my life.


Estudiante: Sebastian Gutierrez Bernal



Tutor :Katlin Fabiana Navarro

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela De Ciencias De La Educacion

Licenciatura En Lenguas Extranjeras Con Enfasis En Inglès

Curso: 518007

Villavicencio Diciembre de 2021

answers to the questions in part A

What’s your full name?

-sebastian Gutierrez bernal

- Where are you from?

I`m form Villavicencio-Meta

- How old are you?

28 years old

- What is your e-mail address?

- What do you do? (Your occupation)

Right now I'm not working, my study routine is to do my activities during the
week, and I rest on the weekends.

- Where do you live?

-villavicencio- meta

- Describe the place where you live

I live in Villavicencio a beautiful city is the capital of the Meta is the most
representative place of the eastern plains,It has livestock, agriculture and a lot
of tourism


- What are your hobbies?

I like to go to the gym every day and I do a different daily routine.

- What’s your favorite food?


- What’s your favorite movie? Why?

my favorite movie is terminator because I'm a big fan of arnold


- What’s your favorite book? Why?

my favorite book is the little prince, because it has a very beautiful message
for humanity

- Mention some of your qualities (positive and negative qualities)




bad tempered

Routines and weekend plans

- Describe your daily routine

I get up early in the morning I make breakfast then I take a bath I go to train
then I do university work, I sleep in the afternoon and then I make dinner
- What do you usually do on weekends?

I go jogging on the weekend

A significant person in your life

My father

- Personal information (His/her name, age, Occupation...)

His name is Omar gutierrez he works at the terminal and have 62 years old

- Describe his or her physical appearance

is tall, athletic, he has black hair, brown eyes

- Describe his or her personality considering positive and negative

qualities .

my dad is a very good person who always helps others, he's only in a bad
mood sometimes

Share some experiences

- Share an experience that made you feel happy.

When I was 16 my mother introduced me to my younger sister, because I did

not live with them and I did not know her.
- Describe an event that made you feel sad, nervous, or worried.

I feel bad when I see on the news everything bad that politicians do in my

- The link to the video.

Can you understand phrases and the highest frequency

vocabulary about very
basic personal and family information, past experiences, feelings,
and routines?

Yes, I can

- Can you read very short, simple texts?

Yes, I can

- Can you communicate in simple and routine tasks about familiar

topics and

Yes, I can

- Can you write short, simple notes and messages relating to

matters in areas of
immediate need?

Yes, I can

- Can you use a series of phrases and sentences to describe my

family and other
people, living conditions, and educational background in simple

Yes, I can

- Can you write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked

with simple
connectors like "and", "but" and "because"?

Yes, I can

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