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Entrepreneurial communities with finance

Every community that wants to boost its economy by implementing an entrepreneurial plan must
start someplace. The same may be said for communities that have worked with entrepreneurs
before and want to take their strategies to the next level. It's vital that your community figure out
where you should start.

Choosing the Best Starting Point

The first step is to assemble your entrepreneur team. Bring together the people you think would
be interested in launching a new business venture or expanding your current one. Set around 60
to 90 minutes for brainstorming.

Step 2: Go to Page 22 of our book and complete the Quick Assessment. To begin, have everyone
complete the simple exam included on page 22 of our book. Take some time to have people
respond and build a picture of your community's entrepreneurship readiness. This is a brief
exercise that can help break the ice and get everyone on the same page.

Step 3: Discuss the current state of your community. Take some time to dive down and speak
about what your community might do to move forward with a more strategic and strong
entrepreneurship strategy, using the exercise as context for where your community is right now.

Step 4: Make a plan for your next steps. It's now time to go specific. Make a list of preliminary
objectives and actions. The more specific you can be with these tasks, the more likely you are to
move from action to effect. Progress is suffocated by broad conversations and ill-defined aims.

Step 5: Think about who else should be at your entrepreneur table. Before you leave this meeting,
have a quick conversation about who else should be welcomed to your "E-Team." The exact
actions you've chosen will guide you in the direction of additional people and organizations who
should be involved.

Go to work now that you have a starting point. We strongly advise that your team meets on a
regular basis, has well-defined objectives, and remains focused on actions that advance your
strategy goals.

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