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Savannah Cushing

Professor Soto
TED 523
10 October 2021
Learning for Social Justice

#1 Teaching Strategy: “What would they say”
I would use this in my class to teach point of view. It would be interesting to use this with
multicultural texts/authors that are taught in the class to have students use textual evidence to
understand the perspective of another person, character, or group of people. I might have
students create potential discussions between characters and respond to questions/statements
in the point of view of the character/author.
I have done creative discussion strategies, such as a Socratic seminar, and I think adding this
strategy that focuses on point of view would really benefit students when reading various texts.
This is a great tool for teaching social justice and being an inclusive teacher since it challenges
students to take on another point of view and opinion.
Students think creatively to predict scenarios and use higher order thinking skills.
When teaching this lesson online, using an online discussion forum like Padlet would be useful.

#2 Teaching Strategy: “Text Graffiti”
I would use this in my class to have safe classroom discussions on sensitive or difficult topics.
The concept is to cut out key quotes from the text before the students read the book. They can
comment on the quote and read peer comments. They have the flexibility to say their true
thoughts without the pressure of speaking out loud. This creates honest conversation through
writing about difficult topics. I might get the chance to teach the book Speak in the spring, and I
think this activity would work well with creating interest and give students an opportunity to
discuss the difficult topics in the book in a safe way. This can be used with many texts, and I will
be using this strategy in the future.
I think this strategy could be taught online through a google doc where the students can
anonymously edit in comments under each quotation.

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