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CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, 17, 000-000 1


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Oxidative Stress: A Double-Blind

Therapeutic Trial After Curcumin Supplementation

Lucia Chico1*, Elena Caldarazzo Ienco1, Costanza Bisordi1, Annalisa Lo Gerfo1, Lucia Petrozzi1,
Antonio Petrucci2, Michelangelo Mancuso1 and Gabriele Siciliano1

Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Neurological Clinic, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; 2Center of
Neuromuscular and Neurological Rare Diseases, S. Camillo Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy

Abstract: Objective: To investigate the efficacy of curcumin oral supplementation (600 mg/day, Brai-
noil), a natural antioxidant compound, in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Methods: Patients were randomized into two groups: Group A received placebo for 3 months, then
Brainoil for the following 3 months, Group B took Brainoil for 6 months. The evaluations were con-
ducted at basal (T0), after 3 months of double blinded Brainoil or placebo treatment (T1), and after the
3 month open-label phase (T2). Clinical evaluations and oxidative stress biomarkers, including oxida-
tive protein products (AOPPs), ferric reducing ability (FRAP), total thiols (T-SH) and lactate, were
ARTICLE HISTORY evaluated, compared to a control group, during an incremental forearm exercise test.  

Received: December 22, 2017 Results: Over the entire study Group B showed a stable score of the ALS-FRS-r which decreased in
Revised: July 09, 2018 Group A (p<0.01), in parallel with a reduction of AOPPs (p<0.01) which was not detected into Group
Accepted: July 10, 2018
A. Also FRAP exercise values remained stable in Group B, while in Group A they were reduced with-
DOI: out treatment at T1 (0.05<p<0.01), for then increase at T2 with introduction of therapy (p<0.05). In
Group B T1>T0 exercise lactate was lower compared to Group A (p<0.01). Compared to controls, the
whole ALS population showed a greater oxidative stress (p<0.001), those treated with curcumin
(Group B) exhibiting decreased exercise AOPPs at T2 with values approaching those of controls.  
Conclusion: Although further studies are needed to confirm these data, treatment with curcumin
shows encouraging results indicating a slight slowdown in disease progression, improving aerobic me-
tabolism and oxidative damage, this also contributing to deepen knowledge into the pathogenic
mechanisms of ALS.

Keywords: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), curcumin, oxidative stress, antioxidants, incremental exercise test, lactate

1. INTRODUCTION and defects in RNA metabolism [4], mostly supported by the

discovery of ALS-associated genes such as TARDBP [5].
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenera-
tive disease characterized by upper and lower motor neurons Oxidative stress biomarkers have been widely investi-
degeneration, resulting in muscle atrophy and weakness with gated in several studies and show high protein carbonyl lev-
a median survival of 3-5 years after symptoms onset [1]. To els, increased lipid peroxidation and DNA/RNA oxidative
date, no effective therapy is available and the pathogenesis is modifications, in the nervous and peripheral tissues in both
still unknown. Among the hypotheses advanced, the most sporadic and familial ALS patients [6-8].
important is the glutamate-induced excitotoxicity. It finds a
broad foundation on the evidence of the limited efficacy of TARDBP damage may be mediated by oxidative stress, in
Riluzole, a drug with antiglutammatergic activity [2]. Beside fact, an abnormal juxtanuclear aggregation, as well as altered
glutamatergic excitotoxicity, several mechanisms have been intracellular trafficking of mitochondria, are demonstrated in
hypothesized in ALS pathogenesis, the most important of TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) transgenic mice [9,
them are mitochondrial dysfunctions [3], oxidative stress, 10]. It is also observed, in human TDP-43 transfected NSC-
34 cells, that TDP-43 causes mitochondrial morphologic
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Clinical and
abnormality, a decrease of mitochondrial complex I activity
Experimental Medicine, Neurological Clinic, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; and mitochondrial transmembrane potential [11].
Tel: 0039-050-993191; E-mail:

1871-5273/18 $58.00+.00 © 2018 Bentham Science Publishers

2 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 0 Chico et al.

The hypothesis of the oxidative stress in ALS has led to For these reasons, curcumin can be considered a
several experimental trials and although no treatment has promising agent in TDP-43 proteinopathy, and so used in
been demonstrated to be effective in slowing the disease, ALS therapeutic clinical trials.
encouraging results derive by preclinical studies and recent As previously reviewed [22], only a few studies, re-
findings of efficacy of Edaravone, an antioxidant agent [12], stricted to animal models, were conducted in vivo in order to
hint the development of antioxidant strategies. test the effects of curcumin on neurodegenerative disorders
Curcumin, derived from the plant Curcuma longa, is a (predominantly Alzheimer diseases and Mild Cognitive Im-
yellow-colored spice commonly used in the Indian subconti- pairment). Furthermore, focusing on ALS, there are no in
nent, not only for healthcare but also for the preservation of vivo studies and only a few limited in vitro studies have been
food and as a yellow dye for textiles [13]. It is a lipophilic performed. Probably, curcumin poor bioavailability and
phenolic diferuloylmethane, with a great variety of pharma- solubility reduce its ability to reach the central nervous
cological functions, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, system in sufficient concentrations to induce benefit explain-
ing the lack of human clinical trials in neurodegenerative
antiproliferative, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and neu-
diseases. Moreover, when administered orally, curcumin is
roprotective activities [14].
poorly absorbed and it undergoes hepatic conjunction with
Curcumin effects are mediated through the regulation of the formation of biologically inactive metabolites.
various transcription factors, growth factors, inflammatory The aim of the study is to investigate the efficacy of oral
cytokines, protein kinases, and others, so in this view, it was supplementation of Brainoil, a nutraceutical curcumin-based
used in various diseases including cancer, diabetes, allergies, compound, on clinical parameters and biochemical markers
arthritis, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders, to in ALS patients.
name only a few [15].
In mutated superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1)-ALS cases, 2. MATERIALS AND METHOD
pathological SOD1 inclusions show amyloid-like properties
and induce inflammation and cytotoxicity. Curcumin acts as 2.1. Patients and Healthy Controls
an inhibitor of fibrils aggregation, leading to a smaller and A total of 42 patients (20 males and 22 females) were
non-fibrillar aggregate with reduced toxicity. Curcumin recruited in the Neuromuscular Disease Centre of the Neuro-
binds to SOD1 amyloidogenic regions removing SOD1 ag- logical Clinic, University of Pisa.
gregates toxicity occurring in pre-fibrillary and fibrillary
phase [16]. The age ranged between 39 (RL) and 83 (NM), mean
age: 62.41±11.05 years. Of these patients, 38 were sporadic
However, the main biological effect of curcumin is its cases and 4 were familiar ALS (one of them with G41S
antioxidant activity since it is capable to bind to metals and SOD1 mutation, the remaining three cases did want to per-
remove free radicals [17], acting as a powerful scavenger of form the genetic test). The clinical forms at disease onset
reactive oxygen species (ROS) and limiting the lipid were: 7 bulbar onsets, 9 upper limbs onset, 26 lower limbs
peroxidation [18]. In mouse models, when administered onset.
orally, curcumin enhances the activity of antioxidant enzymes Inclusion criteria were: ALS diagnosis (definite, probable
like superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase and possible with laboratory support) according to El Esco-
[19]. Dong and colleagues [20] have recently demonstrated rial criteria (1998) established by the World Federation of
that curcumin can interact with TDP-43 protein by improving Neurology (WFN); age between 18 and 85 years; ability of
the motoneuron membrane excitability through a positive consent; signing of informed consent. Exclusion criteria
effect on oxidative stress and mitochondrial function in mutant were: tracheotomy; severe psychiatric disorders (Axis 1 or 2
TDP-43 motoneuron-like cell lines [20]. In a study by Lu and of DSN IV); pregnancy or breastfeeding. Dropout criteria
colleagues [11], the use of a curcumin derivative improved were: severe adverse effects; consent withdrawal; protocol
mitochondrial transmembrane potential, increased activity of scheme deviation. The mean disease duration (until March
mitochondrial complex I and ameliorate mitochondrial 2015, when patients recruitment was performed) was
morphology in transgenic neuronal stem cells for TDP-43. 39.76±26.88 months. The mean age at the disease onset was
Monocarbonyl dimethoxycurcumin C, a curcumin derivate, 59.05±11.19 years and the mean age at the diagnosis was
was able to degrade the TDP-43 fragment and strengthen the 60.36±11.09 years. Demographic, sex, age, disease onset and
antioxidant ability reducing lactate dehydrogenase levels and duration, as well as disease progression rate, are reported in
malondialdehyde bisdimethyl acetal in neuroblastoma-spinal Table 1.
cord-34 cells transfected with mutant TDP-43 [11]. During the trial, all patients continued to take their ther-
Curcumin also acts stimulating mitochondriogenesis by apy for ALS, basically Riluzole 50 mg twice a day, like any
mechanisms that are partially known, perhaps inducing the other therapy, without variations.
pathway of protein-kinase activated by AMP/PGC-1α and/or Patients were randomized into two groups (Brai-
Nfr2, two factors involved in redox homeostasis and in the noil/placebo), matched for sex, age, clinical disability (val-
production of new mitochondria, also in relation to the ued by ALS-FRS-r scale) and clinical phenotype: Group A,
possible involvement of non-neuronal cells such as astrocytes consisting in 24 patients, Group B consisting in 18 patients.
where oxidative stress stimulates the transcription of genes The number disparity between the groups is due to the loss
induced by Nrf2 [21]. of patients recruited and randomized 2-4 weeks before the
Effect of Curcumin Supplementation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 0 3

Table 1. General informations of patients recruited (number, sex, age, clinical presentation and disease progression rate) at T0,
T1, T2 evaluation time. Group A = placebo (3 months) + Brainoil (3 months); Group B = only Brainoil (6 months).

Average Upper Lower Onset Aver- Average disease Average Age

n. M F Bulbar
Age Limbs Limbs age Age duration (months) at Diagnosis

Total 42 20 22 62.41 7 9 26 59.05 39.76 60.36

T0 Group A 24 13 11 65.58 3 5 16 62.33 39.5 63.38

Group B 18 6 11 58.17 4 4 10 54.67 40.11 56.33

Total 36 18 18 62.06 6 8 22 58.47 42.19 59.78

T1 Group A 21 12 9 65.62 3 4 14 62.24 40.24 63.24

Group B 15 6 9 57.07 3 4 8 53.2 44.93 54.93

Total 34 18 16 61.15 6 7 21 57.47 43.53 58.79

T2 Group A 20 12 8 64.75 3 4 13 61.25 41.65 62.25

Group B 14 6 8 56 3 3 8 52.07 46.21 53.86

Patients recruitment.

trial beginning (because of death, deviation from inclusion 2) Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) evaluates
criteria, consent withdrawal). Anyway, the two groups re- the non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity through fer-
mained homogeneous (Table 1). ric ion reduction, included in FRAP reagent, into fer-
rous ion;
During the former 3 months, 6 patients left the trial be-
cause of adverse effects and consent withdrawal; during the 3) Total thiols (T-SH), which are organic compounds
latter 3 months, other 2 patients went out because of protocol with thiolic /sulphydryl (-SH) groups responsible for
scheme deviation. their antioxidant action.
As a control group was analyzed with a single assess- 4) Lactate, the final product of anaerobic glycolysis; it
ment16 healthy subjects (7 males and 9 females), mean age: is a metabolite involved in maintaining the blood pH,
42±9.2, without comorbidity for neurological or oxidative and it is a source of oxidative stress.
stress-related pathologies.
2.2. Multi-parametric Evaluation Protocol
Evaluation session times were established as follows: T-
Clinical parameters and biochemical markers were evalu-
1, patients were recruited and randomized into the 2 matched
groups; T0, beginning of treatment (Brainoil or placebo); T1,
Clinical evaluation consisted in a neurological examina- 3 months after Brainoil treatment or placebo assumption; T2,
tion, compiling Medical Research Council (MRC) scale, 6 months after the study beginning: 6 months after Brainoil
revised ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALS-FRS-r), estimat- administration (Group B) and 3 months after the open-label
ing Body Mass Index (BMI) and the Maximum Handgrip phase (Group A). At any evaluation time (T0>T1>T2), for
Force (MHF) during an exercise test, in order to estimate each patient, clinical parameters through neurological ex-
(assess) muscular impairment, clinical disability in everyday amination and biochemical markers during a standardized
life and the general conditions decline. incremental workload exercise test, as detailed below, were
For MRC scale were evaluated the following muscles: evaluated.
upper limbs: deltoid, brachial biceps and triceps, exten- ALS patients, considered both in their totality (Group A
sor/flexor muscles of wrists and fingers, opposition thumb; + Group B) and divided into single groups, were compared
lower limbs muscles: iliopsoas, quadriceps, femoral bicipes, to healthy subjects taking into account biochemical markers.
tibialis anterior, Gemini, extensor and flexor muscles of fin-
gers, and extensor and flexor muscles of the neck. 3.1. Forearm Incremental Workload Exercise Test
We analyzed total ALS-FRS-r score and, separately, res- (IWET)
piratory ALS-FRS-r score (questions 10-11-12). Patients were first evaluated for resting MHF at the
The following markers were evaluated in plasma samples strongest side: the average of 3 trials, 5 min apart from each
basally and during an exercise test. other, was recorded.
1) Advanced oxidation protein products (AOPPs) that Patients then performed an incremental workload exer-
estimate the amount of protein oxidized in specific cise test on forearm muscles with an handgrip connected to a
amino acid sites by ROS; myometer in order to perform a step-wise contractile per-
4 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 0 Chico et al.

formance with sequential 1 min lasting 1 Hz intermittent supernatant was assessed at 405 nm and by subtracting the
exercise bouts, interspersed with 2 min resting intervals, value of a blank consisting of DTNB. The values were ex-
starting at 30% of MHF and then at 50% and 70% of this pressed in mmol/l [25].
value. Blood samplings from an antecubital vein of the same
As previously described [26], the assessment of lactic
limb were made in resting condition, at each one of the 3 acid, conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Clini-
contraction levels, immediately after the finishing of hand-
cal Chemistry of the Santa Chiara hospital in Pisa, was car-
grip exercise, and after 15 minutes of rest. For those patients
ried out by an enzymatic-colorimetric determination using a
(N=8) who could not perform the exercise test because of
commercial kit (Sentinel, Milan-Italy), following the manu-
hands hyposthenia, an only basal blood sample was obtained.
facturer's instructions. The data were expressed as mg/dl.
3.2. Tested Drug 3.5. Statistical Analysis
Brainoil is a dietary supplement mainly based on curcumin
Clinical parameters and biomarker values, at any time
(600 mg), containing also 100 mg of Coenzyme Q10 (a potent
(T0, T1 and T2) and during the exercise test, were expressed
antioxidant that acts enhancing mitochondrial activity), 300
as a mean ± standard deviation and analyzed using one-way
mg of Bacopa monnieri, 250 mg of Withania somnifera and
analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures. Any
Centella asiatica (250 mg), whose formulation has been
difference between groups (Group B versus Group A, total
designed and produced to ensure a high bioavailability of the ALS patients vs. healthy controls, Group B>healthy controls
active principles. The greater bioavailability is obtained partly
and Group A> healthy controls), were evaluated using Stu-
with the addition of piperine (1 mg of Piper nigrum), an
dent's t-test. Statistical analysis was performed using the
alkaloid which, by inhibiting liver enzymes CYP3A4 and P-
software SPSS20 and a p-value of < 0.05 was considered to
glycoprotein, it can increase the curcumin bioavailability of
be statistically significant.
2000%. Brainoil consists of an exclusive production
technology (with Patent filed by Alveda Laboratories s.r.l),
which consists of moderating heat curcumin with other 4. RESULTS
cocoa butter herbs and granulating the compound thus
4.1. Clinical Data
4.1.1. ALS-FRS-r
3.3. Treatment Randomization
Into Group A, as expected, a time-dependent T1 vs T0
The trial lasted 6 months, consisting in 2 periods, the first decline was observed, at a significant level for respiratory
one (T0-T1) 3 months, double-blind, placebo-controlled, the ALS-FRS-r domains (p<0.01), borderline (p=0.05) for total
second one 3 months, open a single branch, all the patients ALS-FRS-r. This decrement was not observed anymore at T2
receiving the drug. Patients were divided into two groups: where both parameters were not significantly different com-
the first group (Group A) received placebo for 3 months, pared to T1. On the contrary, in Group B the time-dependent
then Brainoil for the following 3 months; the second group decrement of both parameters was milder, not reaching statis-
(Group B) was treated with Brainoil for all the 6 months. tical significance in inter-time comparison (Fig. 1a).
When comparing the two groups, this was reflected by a
3.4. Evaluation of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers
significant difference (p=0.02) in the T1>T0 reduction rate
In order to evaluate oxidative stress biomarkers, blood percentage of the respiratory ALS-FRS-r score: - 14.8% in
samples were immediately centrifuged at 3000 rpm, 4°C, for Group A vs. -7.7 % in Group B (Fig. 1b).
10 minutes and plasma was stored at -80°C for a maximum
period of three months before the determination. 4.1.2. MRC
AOPPs were determined by mixing 30 µl of plasma with As shown in Fig. (2), a time-dependent decline was ob-
phosphate buffered saline, acetic acid and potassium iodide. served in both groups (significant at p<0.05 for T1>T0 and
The absorbance was read spectrophotometrically at 340 nm T2>T0 in Group A, at T2>T0 in Group B, without signifi-
and compared with a solution of chloramine T dissolved in cant inter-group differences at any time.
the same buffer. The data were expressed as nmol/ml of
chloramine T equivalents [23]. 4.1.3. Maximum Handgrip Force (MHF)
FRAP was assessed by mixing plasma with FRAP rea- Neither into Group A nor into Group B significant differ-
gent, pre-warmed to 37°C, composed by sodium-acetate ences of MHF values at different times were observed, while
buffer (pH 3.6), tripyridyltriazine dissolved in hydrochloric in comparison among groups, MHF values were significantly
acid [0.04 M], and ferric chloride dissolved in H2O. The ab- lower in Group B at T1 (p<0.05) and at T2 (p<0.01), even if
sorbance was read after 4 minutes at 620 nm, a calibration the groups were comparable at T0 (Fig. 3).
curve was established using a solution of iron sulphate in
hydrochloric acid; the data were expressed in mmol/l [24]. 4.1.4. BMI
For T-SH determination, 200µl of plasma were added to Considering BMI, this value was reduced at T2 vs T0
600µl of Tris-EDTA, 3.16 ml of absolute methanol and 40µl (p<0.05) in Group A, while there were no significant differ-
of 2,2-dithiobis nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB) [10mM]. After ences over time in Group B. No inter-group differences were
incubation at room temperature for 20 minutes, the samples recorded (data not shown).
were centrifuged at 3000 g for 10 min. The absorbance of the
Effect of Curcumin Supplementation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 0 5

Fig. (1). a) Comparison of total and respiratory ALS-FRS-r score in Group A and Group B in each observational time. b) Inter-groups varia-
tion of ALS -FRS-r score reduction rate (%) between times (T0>T1>T2) in relation to respiratory domain.
*p<0.05; **p<0.01 evaluated by ANOVA for repeated measures (intra-group evaluation); p value not significant for inter-groups evaluation
by Students’ t test.

Fig. (2). Variation of MRC score in Group A and Group B considering the different times.
*p<0.05 evaluated by ANOVA for repeated measures; p value not significant for inter-group evaluation by Students’ t test.
6 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 0 Chico et al.

Fig. (3). MHF values in Group A and Group B.
*p<0.05; evaluated by Students’ t test; p value not significant for intra-group evaluation by ANOVA for repeated measures.

4.2. Biochemical Markers and IWET reduction at T1>T0 (p<0.01 at 70% IWET, p<0.05 at post-
exercise recovery), while, after Brainoil supplementation
4.2.1. AOPPs
(T2>T1) they appeared increased (p<0.05 at basal, 70% of
In Group A IWET curves were substantially flat and did IWET and recovery; Fig. 5a). No significant changes were
not modify over time (Fig. 4a). On the opposite, in Group B, observed in Group B (Fig. 5b) and in the comparison be-
AOPP levels, while increased (p<0.01) at T1>T0 IWET re- tween groups (data not shown).
covery time, 15 min after completing the exercise test, fur- Considering possible variations in ALS patients vs.
ther showed a T2 exercise-related decrement, with a p<0.01 healthy controls, statistical differences were found only in
significant level (p<0.01) both at T2>T1 50% IWET and at total ALS population (Groups A+B) at 70% IWET (p<0.05)
T2>T0 30% IWET (Fig. 4b). This difference was reflected (Fig. 5c). No differences were observed after stratification
in comparison among groups at T2 (AOPPs reduced into for groups into Group A and Group B with respect to healthy
Group B at 50% IWET, although borderline, p=0.05) (Fig. controls (data not shown).
When total ALS patients at T0 (Group A + Group B) 4.2.3. T-SH
were compared to a healthy control group, AOPP levels were
Both into Group A and Group B at T1 vs T0 comparison,
higher in the first than the latter, both in basal conditions
we observed increased values of T-SH at every time of
(p<0.001) and during the exercise-test at 50% IWET
IWET (0.05<p<0.01) and at recovery into Group B (p<0.05).
(p<0.05), at 70% IWET (p<0.001), and at recovery (p<0.01) No differences have been observed in T2>T1 comparison,
(Fig. 4d). Furthermore, taking into account the single groups
and again increased values in Group A in T2>T0 basally at
(Group B or Group A), AOPP levels, at T0, were increased
any time of IWET and at recovery (Fig. 6a and 6b).
in both groups with respect to healthy controls both in basal
condition (p<0.001) and during the exercise test, with a sta- Decreased T-SH levels were found in ALS patients vs.
tistical difference running from p<0.05 to p<0.001 at the healthy controls for the whole exercise-protocol, from basal
different exercise bouts (Figs. 4e and 4f). (p<0.001) to recovery (p<0.05) (Fig. 6c). When each group
was compared to healthy controls, no statistical differences
In Group B, at T2, AOPPs showed nearest values to
were detected in T-SH values (data not shown).
healthy controls with a statistical difference that faded at
30% IWET and 50%IWET and decreased in basal condition
4.2.4. Lactate
(from p<0.001 to p=0.001) and at recovery (from p<0.01 to
p<0.05) (Fig. 4e). Instead, in Group A, were not observed Analyzing IWET curve lactate levels increased during
noticeable differences except at rest, in which AOPP levels, the different exercise bouts with statistical differences at
at T2, decreased in ALS patients with a p-value that change 70% IWET>basal evaluation (p<0.05) for than return to ba-
from p<0.001 to p<0.01 (Fig. 4f). sal levels at recovery (0.05<p<0.001) for all groups (Fig. 7).
The comparison between times (T0>T1>T2) in both
4.2.2. FRAP
Group A and Group B did not show significant differences in
Also, this marker does not seem to show exercise-related lactate absolute values (data not shown); however, when the
changes during the exercise-test, the relative curve basically relative values for each step were compared to the basal
remaining flat. Nonetheless, FRAP values appear confident value (%), only into Group B there was a significant de-
in disease progression in Group A showing, as expected, a crease at 50% IWET (p<0.01) at T1 vs T0 (Fig. 7a).
Effect of Curcumin Supplementation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 0 7

Fig. (4). Trend of AOPP levels during exercise test between the different times in Group A (a), in Group B [$$: differences among T1>T0;
**: differences among T2>T1; §§: differences among T2>T0 (b)], between Groups A and B (c), and ALS patients vs. controls (d). AOPP
variations in Group B (e) and Group A (f), at different evaluation times, compared to controls.
From Figure 4a to 4c: **, §§ p<0.01 evaluated by ANOVA for repeated measures;
# borderline p value (p=0.05) for inter-group evaluation by Students’ t test at T2.
Figure 4d : * p<0.05, *** p<0.001 evaluated by Students’ t test
Figure 4e and 4f: § Group B_T0>controls, * Group B_T1>controls, $ Group B_T2>controls evaluated by Students’ t test.

By inter-group comparison (Group A>Group B), consid- Globally speaking, into Group B we observed a stable
ering times separately, there were no significant differences score of the total and respiratory ALS-FRS-r which was re-
in absolute, as well as relative lactate levels, both at T0 and duced into Group A. Regarding biochemical markers, al-
T2 (data not shown), while at T1 in Group A lactate absolute though not showing any difference in the trend of the exer-
values (Fig. 7b) increased with respect to Group B at 50% cise-related curve, we found after 6 months of treatment, into
IWET (p<0.05) and 70% IWET (p<0.05), the latter one re- Group B, a reduction in AOPP levels that were not observed
mained significant also considering the relative values into Group A. FRAP values remained stable in Group B, for
(p<0.05; Fig. 7c). all treatment period, while into Group A they decreased,
during exercise test, at T1>T0, for then increase at T2. In
Compared to healthy controls, ALS patients did not show
Group B we observed the reduced production of lactate dur-
statistical differences in the lactate levels both at basal and
during the exercise test (Fig. 7d). ing IWET compared to Group A after double-blind phase.
8 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 0 Chico et al.

Fig. (5). FRAP values during exercise test between the different Fig. (6). T-SH levels during exercise test between the different times
times (T0>T1>T2) in Group A (a) [$ and #: differences among (T0>T1>T2) in Group A (a), Group B (b), and between ALS patients
T1>T0; §: differences among T2>T1], in Group B (b), and in ALS and controls for Figures 6a and 6b [*, #: differences among T1>T0].
patients vs. controls (c). $, § p<0.05 and $$ p<0.01 evaluated by * p<0.05; ** p<0.01 evaluated by ANOVA for repeated measures; #
ANOVA for repeated measures; # borderline p value (p=0.05) in borderline p value (p=0.05).
comparison between T1>T2 (ANOVA for repeated measures). For Figure 6c [*differences among patients and controls, $ differ-
* p value significant for inter-groups evaluation (by Students’ t ences among the different steps of IWET].
test) only for 70% of MHF between patients and controls. * p<0.05; *** p<0.001evaluated by Student’s T test.
$$$ p<0.001 evaluated by ANOVA for repeated measures.

ALS patients showed a greater oxidative stress compared to months), followed by an open-label phase (for the last three
healthy controls valued by increased AOPP and decreased T- months). Considering the unfavorable outcome of ASL lead-
SH levels. Furthermore, after 6 months of Brainoil admini- ing to death in 3-5 years after the onset, we postulate that 6
stration, AOPP levels decreased during exercise test with months of treatment can be considered suitable to give in-
values approaching those of controls. formation about the possible therapeutic response of curcu-
min supplement.
4.3. Adverse Events The comparison between ALS-FRS-r, MRC and BMI
Eight patients withdrew from the trial, six of them be- parameters between the groups did not provide any signifi-
cause of mild scored adverse events: gastralgia (N=3), diar- cant result at any time, with the exception of a significantly
rhea (N=1), regressed after Brainoil supplement suspension, lower reduction in ALS- FRS-r, relative to the domains in-
and skin rush (N=1), regressed with corticosteroids and anti- vestigating respiratory function, in Group B vs Group A.
histamine; the last patient, who was taking a placebo, had Conversely, in the intra-group analysis, encouraging results
cardiac ischemia. were observed during the considered treatment period. By
analyzing the individual clinical parameters, ALS-FRS-r
score does not significantly change in the group treated with
5. DISCUSSION Brainoil for 6 months considering the different evaluations
In this study, we analyzed the effects of dietary supple- between T0 and T1 or between T1 and T2, or especially be-
ment curcumin-based (Brainoil) administration in ALS pa- tween T0 and T2 (6 months after the first evaluation). When
tients, for 6 months, in a double-blind trial (for the first three analyzing Group A data, in the first phase, the scores were
Effect of Curcumin Supplementation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 0 9

reduced to the limits of significance for the total value and months when patients had taken a placebo. Moreover, the
statistically significance for the respiratory domains; the val- only significant difference between the two groups was the
ues, on the other hand, appeared to stabilize over the 3 percentage of T0-T1 respiratory score reduction, lower in
months later, when patients started assuming Brainoil. Group B than in Group A. Overall, ALS-FRS-r score data
appear to suggest a neuroprotective action of Brainol, with
particular attention also to the possible role on respiratory
function, crucial in the disease natural history, similar con-
siderations can be made for the MRC score. Although in the
T2>T0 comparison a significant deterioration was observed
in both groups, into Group A after the first score worsening
at T1>T0 (placebo) follows a score stabilization at T2>T1
then after Brainoil therapy. In Group B three months of ther-
apy were already sufficient to stabilize the score, even if
close to the level of significance (p=0.05), which was even
more noticeable in the T2>T1 comparison. It could, there-
fore, be hypothesized that Brainoil action had less "strength"
or greater latency, in fact, the average MRC score in Group
B stabilizes between 3 and 6 months from enrollment. Again,
the analysis of the inter-group comparison of the raw value
and the percentages of scores at different times did not show
significant differences.
Regarding BMI parameter analysis, although there were
no significant differences between T1>T0 and T2>T1 in ei-
ther of the two groups, the T2>T0 comparison between en-
rollment and end of trial showed a significant reduction in
the group taking placebo for the first three months, but not in
the one who took the supplement since the beginning of the
study, assuming a role of curcumin in protecting muscle
Park and colleagues [27] demonstrated, in 193 Korean
ALS patients, that nutritional status, as assessed by BMI,
was negatively associated with disease severity evaluated by
ALSFRS-R, this correlation was associated with worse nutri-
tional status, lower intake and a lower score of the bulbary
domains of ALS-FRS-r scale.
Also in the present study, the BMI values appear in line
with ALS-FRS-r scores, significantly worsened between T2
and T0 in Group A, and substantially stable into Group B.
However, unlike of Park et al., the two parameters appeared
to diverge when bulbary domains of ALS-FRS-r was consid-
ered, for which there was no significant worsening variation
both in Group A at T2>T0 nor in Groups A and B at T2>T1
in which comparable number of patients with bulbar onset
  were present.
Fig. (7). Lactate trends during exercise test: (a) comparison among
times (T1 vs. T0) in Group B and between groups at time T1 con- Although in this study, no dietary evaluation has been
sidering lactate absolute (b) and relative (%) values (c); comparison performed during the 6 months of therapy, an explanation of
among ALS patients and c controls (d). BMI stabilization should be sought in a possible protective
*: p value evaluated by t-Student’s test for comparison between effect on the loss of muscle mass; in fact, curcumin was used
groups, and by ANOVA for repeated measures among times (Fig- yet as adjuvant in treatments for loss of body weight in obe-
ure 7a). sity considering its action in increase lipolysis and the induc-
$, §: p value evaluated by ANOVA for repeated measures for tion of lipid beta-oxidation, resulting in protein catabolism
IWET curve [$: p value for ALS patients curve, §: p value for con- reduction [28].
trols curve]; A possible role of curcumin in muscle mass loss has al-
*,$, § p<0.05; **, §§ p<0.01; ***,$$$, §§§ p<0.001.
ready been described, notably by blocking the NF-kB path-
way or inhibiting the activity of p38 kinase in catabolism-
In the T2>T0 comparison, a significant deterioration was enhanced patterns such as sepsis, endotoxemia, or stimulat-
observed in Group A for both total score and respiratory do- ing muscle fibers regeneration after trauma [29]. This protec-
mains, possibly explained by the worsening of the first 3 tive role of curcumin on muscle in hypermetabolism states
10 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 0 Chico et al.

could be the explanation of our experimental evidence, as higher than pre-exercise values in the placebo group, but not
ALS is a well-known condition of hypermetabolism [30]. after curcumin supplementation.
Regardless involved mechanisms, which will be clarified When we evaluated antioxidant FRAP values, no differ-
with further studies, our result would ultimately confirm a ences were observed in ALS patients vs controls, differently
therapeutic value of Brainoil in ALS, since BMI is, however, than previously seen [26, 39] except at peak of IWET in
a negative prognostic factor recognized by many epidemiol- which FRAP was lower in patients. Probably, this simile
ogical studies [31]. FRAP profile between patients and controls, observed also
when ALS subjects were treated with Brainoil, it could be
Again, however, the comparison analysis of raw score
due to the adoption of a compensatory mechanism to limit
values and percentage of score reduction, at different times,
both oxidative damages to proteins and the lower T-SH lev-
between groups did not show any significant differences.
els found in ALS patients than the healthy controls. Analyz-
Clinical data, as a whole, appear to be promising and ing Group A and Group B at different times (T2>T1>T0) it
encourage further studies with Brainoil in ALS, although the was observed at T1>T0, in Group A, a significant reduction
comparison between the groups at different times did not of FRAP values at 70% of IWET and at recovery, suggesting
show significant differences. that during placebo administration there was a worsening of
It is well known that oxidative stress and mitochondrial FRAP, according to disease progression. Takahashi et al.
dysfunctions may contribute to ALS pathogenesis [32-34], [38] found, after curcumin supplementation, an increase of
with elevated ROS production resulting in a vicious circle of antioxidant potential concentrations immediately after exer-
events which can damage biological molecules [4, 35]. Here cise compared with pre-exercise values, indicating that cur-
we validate this assumption, in fact, elevated AOPP values, cumin supplementation can attenuate exercise-induced oxi-
as well as reduced T-SH levels, were found in ALS patients dative stress by increasing blood antioxidant capacity [38].
with respect to healthy controls. These findings are in line with our observations: into Group
A, was observed at T1>T0, a significant reduction of FRAP
Curcumin is known for its neuroprotective, anti- values at 70% of IWET and at recovery, suggesting that dur-
inflammatory, and anti-oxidant capacity against different ing placebo administration there was a worsening of FRAP,
oxidative stressors, limiting and/or suppressing oxidative according to disease progression. When Brainoil was intro-
damage [15], suggesting that it could improve pathological duced in the dietary of Group A, a FRAP restore, at T2>T1,
conditions that share oxidative basis, such as ALS. As dem- was noted, rising FRAP levels at different steps of the
onstrated in ALS cell models, curcumin also modulates mi- exercise-related curve with values comparable to T0. Differ-
tochondrial functions [11, 20-21]; this is in line with our ently, into Group B, in the inter-time evaluation, no differ-
results suggesting that Brainoil administration can improve ences were observed in FRAP levels, both at rest and during
the redox status also in ALS patients. In fact, a significant the exercise test. So, despite Brainoil supplementation did
reduction in AOPPs was demonstrated in ALS patients be- not improve the FRAP, it prevented the worsening viewed in
longing to Group B that assumed Brainoil for 6 months. This placebo group before the integrator administration; so, in this
positive trend was observed also at 30% and at 50% of case, we could hypothesize a “homeostatic” role of Brainoil.
IWET in T2>T0 and T2>T1 comparison, respectively. Also, Its potential "retrieval" and "homeostasis" activity was also
the analysis inter-group seems to confirm this data; in fact at supported by the observation that no difference was detected
T2, the Group B showed, at 50% of MHF, lower AOPP lev- from inter-group comparison and when we compared T2
els than Group A (with a borderline significance). Moreover, values of Group A and T1 values of Group B with respect to
significant decreases of AOPP levels were detected in Group T1 values of Group A (namely, when a comparison was
B vs. healthy controls, after 6 months of Brainoil intake, made between 3 months of placebo and 3 months of Brai-
showing nearest values to control group especially at 30% noil, regardless of the examined group).
and 50% of IWET. Into Group A, appreciable AOPP de-
creases were observed only in basal condition after the open- Our observations are in line with another study [38] in
label phase. which was found, after curcumin supplementation, an in-
crease of antioxidant potential concentrations immediately
Nevertheless, these observations remain uncertain; de- after exercise compared with pre-exercise values, indicating
spite the data were in line with an anti-oxidative and protec- that curcumin supplementation can attenuate exercise-
tive action of Brainoil against oxidative damage after 6 induced oxidative stress by increasing blood antioxidant ca-
months of Brainoil supplementation, when we considered the pacity.
treated patients although in Group B Brainoil acts already
after the first 3 months of treatment, the same was not dem- T-SH changes were not consistent with Brainoil/placebo
onstrated into Group A at T2 (after 3 months of Brainoil intake, making data interpretation more difficult. In fact, in
therapy, the same treatment period of the Group B). Moreo- T1-T0 comparison, both in Group A and in Group B, higher
ver, it remains unclear why the beneficial effect was detected T-SH values were found during the exercise test, with no
only in some of the considered exercise steps. Most of the difference in basal values. In both groups, the value of thiols
studies that investigate the effect of curcumin on exercise increased at T1 >T0 but not at T2>T1. Assuming that
performance are focused on animal models finding conflict- oxidative stress is implicated in ALS pathogenesis, the
ing results [36, 37] and unfortunately, only limited reports increase in T-SH values in both groups appear contradictory.
have been conducted in human. In this regard, Takahashi and This evidence deserves two observations: on the one hand, it
coworkers [38] observed that the concentration of reactive should be noted that in other studies plasma and cerebrospinal
oxygen metabolites measured immediately after exercise was fluid T-SH levels were found unchanged [40] or increased
Effect of Curcumin Supplementation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 0 11

[41] in line with our study. Secondly, the increase of T-SH humans. So, curcumin may improve exercise performance
levels, apparently independent of Brainoil assumption, preventing fatigue [47].
remains unclear even if it is related to the disease natural
history, suggesting the presence of a further, or even more,
In ALS patients, it has been shown that mitochondrial
dysfunction occurs both in central nervous system and in Diagnosis of ALS was conducted according to the crite-
peripheral tissues such as skeletal muscle, therefore the lac- ria of El Escorial Consensus Criteria. All patients gave their
tate curve analysis during muscle-skeletal exercise can be informed consent. The study protocol was approved by the
considered a valid investigation in ALS patients, as it allows Ethics Committee of the Great North West Area of Tuscany.
to assess the aerobic metabolism efficiency and the possible The study was conducted according to Good Clinical Prac-
lactate threshold [42]. tice (GCP).

Here we found increased lactate levels during the differ-

ent steps of IWET although we did not observe any differ- CONCLUSION
ence comparing the curves of ALS patients and healthy sub- Overall, the comparison between the ALS-FRS-r, MRC
jects (data not shown). When only ALS patients were con- and BMI parameters between groups did not give a signifi-
sidered, the intra-group analysis performed considering the cant result to any of the times tested, except for the respira-
percent (%) lactate values, showed at 50% of IWET a reduc- tory rate reduction of ALS-FRS-r at T1>T0, less in curcumin
tion into Group B at T1>T0. Interestingly, when we com- Group B than in placebo/curcumin Group A. In intra-group
pared the groups at T1, in the double-blind phase, while analysis, comparing different times, encouraging results
there were no differences in basal lactate levels, they pro- were observed indicating a slight slow down in disease pro-
gressively increased during the exercise-test achieving a sta- gression in Brainoil patients, also related to therapy length.
tistical significance during the exercise bouts in which the
patient's contract with the highest strength (50% and 70% of As for laboratory parameters, conflicting results have
the maximum force). Then, lactate levels returned near to emerged. Brainoil was able to modify lactate production
basal values after the exercise step. Lactate was always profile during muscular exercise suggesting improving in
lower in the group of patients treated with Brainoil, suggest- mitochondrial function and aerobic metabolism. Also with
ing that it reduces lactate production during muscle contrac- regard to the trend of FRAP and AOPPs, the results indicate
tion, proportionally to the increase of muscular effort. This a positive effect of Brainoil administration, and in particular
action could be hypothetically linked to an optimization of considering AOPP because, after 6 months, it was able to
the mitochondrial function resulting in improved of the oxi- reduce oxidative damage to proteins at comparable values
dative state. Moreover, the lactate evaluation at T0 between comparable, or however closer, to controls. Brainoil action
groups, during the exercise test, did not reach statistical sig- on the T-SH groups, however, is unclear, showing a behavior
nificance, validating the positive effect of Brainoil. The force apparently independent of the assumption.
exerted to tighten the myometer, in the patients of both In the light of these positive findings, further studies,
groups, was comparable; so, differences in lactate production increasing the number of subjects and Brainoil administra-
between Group A and Group B cannot be attributed to a ma- tion time, as well as studies to identify the correct dosage of
jor force in patients of the Group B. So, it is possible to con- curcumin to be used, are needed to confirm a possible thera-
clude that Brainoil has a positive effect on the lactate pro- peutic value of this compound. Possible strategies could be
duction in ALS patients attributable to a mitochondrial time administration and dose increases as well as enlarge the
improvement, although it is not clear which of Brainoil's cohort, even for better phenotypic stratification and early
component may be responsible for this effect. In fact, we compliance, fundamental to increase trial significance.
must consider that Brainoil contains curcumin but also which
has a trophic action on mitochondria [43,44]. Coenzyme Q10
also contributes to lactic acid production during exercise, as LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS
demonstrated in another double-blind placebo/drug trial in ALS-FRS-r = ALS Functional Rating Scale Revised
which runners treated with coenzyme Q10 showed, after
intense physical exercise, a reduction of lactate levels with MRC = Medical Research Council
respect to the placebo group [45]. Coenzyme Q10 present in BMI = Body Mass Index
the Brainoil composition may have contributed to lowering
lactic acid levels in the group that assumed the integrator. MHF = Maximum Handgrip Force
However, the dose of coenzyme Q10 taken in our study (100 IWET = Forearm Incremental Workload Exercise Test
mg/day) was lower than that taken in the above study (about
TDP-43 = TAR DNA-Binding Protein 43
350 mg/day) and therefore a role of curcumin in the
mitochondrial metabolism may be supposed. This is in line AMP = Adenosine Monophosphate
with other studies [46, 47] that demonstrated a curcumin
PGC-1α = Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor
action in reducing the lactate levels during physical exercise Gamma Coactivator 1-alpha
stimulating the mitochondrial biogenesis in rat skeletal mus-
cle [46], as well as in humans decreasing lactate, ammonia, Nrf2 = Nuclear Factor Erythroid-derived 2-like 2
and other physical fatigue-associated biomarkers levels in ROS = Reactive Oxygen Species
12 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 0 Chico et al.

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rial Department reserves the right to make minor modifications for further improvement of the manuscript.

PMID: 30033879

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