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FygybuhihihihThhggcgvhbhvyguhjhijijfghjjjj You should watch a show called South

Park - Eric Cartman is a sociopath. They basically guilt trap you to believe that
you're to be blamed when they're the reason why everything went wrong. He basically
threaten his gf to commit suicide if they break up.
Here you have done absolutely nothing wrong, but you mother has manipulated you
into believing that you're the destroying their lives. When she's basically the
problem herself. You should watch a show called South Park - Eric Cartman is a
sociopath. They basically guilt trap you to believe that you're to be blamed when
they're the reason why everything went wrong. He basically threaten his gf to
commit suicide if they break up.
Here you have done absolutely nothing wrong, but you mother has manipulated you
into believing that you're the destroying their lives. When she's basically the
problem herself. You should watch a show called South Park - Eric Cartman is a
sociopath. They basically guilt trap you to believe that you're to be blamed when
they're the reason why everything went wrong. He basically threaten his gf to
commit suicide if they break up.
Here you have done absolutely nothing wrong, but you mother has manipulated you
into believing that you're the destroying their lives. When she's basically the
problem herself. You should watch a show called South Park - Eric Cartman is a
sociopath. They basically guilt trap you to believe that you're to be blamed when
they're the reason why everything went wrong. He basically threaten his gf to
commit suicide if they break up.
Here you have done absolutely nothing wrong, but you mother has manipulated you
into believing that you're the destroying their lives. When she's basically the
problem herself.

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