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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good morning, greetings to all of us.

The honorable, the Principal of UPTD SMP Negeri 5 Sinjai, teachers, judges, and friends who I am proud of.
On this occasion, I would like to invite all of us to uphold the spirit of our heroes. First of all, let's pray and thanks
to our god who has given us his mercies and blessing us until we can attend this meeting without any obstacles
happy place and time. Secondly my sholawat and salam be with our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us
from darkness to the lightness, in this world as well as in the next world.

Exactly today, August 17, 2021, we commemorate the 76th anniversary of Indonesia's independence. I can't
believe that time flies so fast and our country is also developing rapidly every year. And I would probably never
have stood here without the struggles of our founding fathers. They are people who are willing to sacrifice their
energy, thoughts, time and even their own lives to realize the independence of Indonesia as we feel today.

Ladies and gentlemen, today's celebration of Indonesia's independence is much different from previous years.
In the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, we can still celebrate Indonesia's independence day even in a simple
way. keep yourself and your family healthy, apply health protocols according to government recommendations,
and take care of each other. What we are doing now is a form of gratitude and respect for the fighters and heroes
of the Indonesian nation, of course for a healthy and prosperous Indonesia. If we cannot overcome this condition,
then the struggle of the nation's founding fathers will be in vain. Therefore, let's celebrate this independence day
by continuing to inflame the spirit of the nation's heroes. And don't let us become modern invaders who oppress
our own nation, such as violating health rules and protocols. Indonesians are also battling a virus that paralyzes
the body, and causes death.

Remembering the past, that the Indonesian nation was not achieved without sacrifice and resistance.
Independence will not be achieved without the spirit of struggle and the spirit of unity for all Indonesian people.
So, let's get back together. Fight together against the COVID-19 virus. So that COVID-19 can soon be wiped out
from Indonesia, and from the world. Just like our heroes who destroyed the invaders in the past.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to close this speech by quoting what Bung Karno said in one of his speeches.
" after all always trying is better than giving up " Okay thats all from me, if you found many mistakes please
forgive me, thank you very much for your attention and the last i say wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi

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