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Bar charts

1. Introduction

The bar chart illustrates/reveals/depict/provide data about/ indicate the …. which is.... between 19xx
and 20xx/from 20xx to 201x/ over x years

2. Overall

Overall/the most striking feature is, the …. Decrease/increase/fluctuate over the periods. At the start of
the period, … is the highest/most … while the … is the lowest. Then, the … reduce/rose and became the
highest/lowest in the final year./ the … almost doubled/trebled over the period

3. First paragraph describe 2 group which have similar pattern or the major/ the highest figures

With regard to the..., it began at … in the first year 19xx then decreased/rose/approached
significantly/noticeably to …. in 19xx. Likewise, the figure for … was around …. in … before sharply went
down/grew to approximately... in 19xx.

4. Second paragraph describe the rest which is different from others/ the minor ones

By contrast/on the other hand, the … slightly fluctuate/ remain/stay relatively unchanged/constant over
the period,…

NOTICE : Contain information in necessary/noticeable Points


Quick: rapidly sharply dramatically noticeably significantly suddenly

Slow: steadily slightly gradually moderately negligibly

PROJECTIONS be predicted to rise to..../drop to..../remain constant

it is expected that …. will rise/drop to...


COMPARISONS is twice/three times as much as four times higher/lower than...

were almost the same/ share the same...

at the top position was the.../ the majority of... was the... with... %

the... led the way with …% was the most popular/prominent

SPECIAL POINTS The … reached its peak/bottom/peaked in...20xx at...%

ESTIMATE approximately relatively around nearly above just over

the portions of teenagers who had face-to-face conversations fluctuated slightly then finally returned to
the initial value.
The bar chart presents data about why travellers arrived five different cities in the UK in 2013

Overall, the most striking feature is that London and Edinburgh were the most prominent
destinations for holidays, while Manchester and Birmingham were favourite cities for bussiness trips.

As can be observed in the chart, Edinburgh had the highest proportion of visitors for holidays
with above 65%, which was followed by the figure for London with approxiately 50%. In London,
percentage of visitors who came for bussiness reasons and for visiting friends or relatives were relatively
the same, at around 20%. Meanwhile, the majority of visitors in Manchester and Birmingham city came
for bussiness, with around 31% and 49% respectively. Besides, the former city almost shared the same
percentage of visitors for holidays as the figure for the latter, at around one fifth. In addition, Liverpool
city was the most popular city for people who came for visiting their friends or relatives compared to
other locations, at about 27% in 2013.

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