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Gulifardo,Ezekiel A.


The strength of longitudinal joint in Fig. 1-17 is 33 kips/ft, whereas for the girth
is 16 kips/ft.

Calculate the maximum diameter of the cylinder tank if the internal pressure is
150 psi.


Jt= 33kips/ft. {for tangential

Jt= 16kips/ft. {for longitudinal

P= 150psi=150 x 12x12kip/ft2

Know that

Jt = Pd/2T { tangential stress t= thickness


D= 3.06 ft (1ft = 12in

D=36.67 in

Jt = pd/4t {longituding stress for girth

T1=16000/t = 21600 x D/4T

D = 2.96 ft

D= 35.56 in use smaller diameter in 35.56 in

D=35.56 inn

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